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马里兰州拉普拉塔斯龙卷风路径Path of a Tornado in La Plata, Maryland

就在那儿,像刮来了一阵龙卷风。From there, it went like a tornado wind.

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龙卷风毁掉了整个村庄。The tornado rubbished the whole village.

龙卷风在密苏里平原肆虐横行。A tornado rips across the Missouri Plains.

龙卷风上周袭击了这座城市。A tornado whirled into the town last week.

整个垫庄被龙卷风摧毁了。The entire village was obliterated by tornado.

龙卷风把那根古树连根拔起。The tornado pulled up the old tree by its roots.

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菲尔告诉我新一轮龙卷风袭击我们的教区。Phil told me there was a new tornado in our area.

美国密苏苏里州遭致命龙卷风袭击,122人死亡。US deadliest tornado kills 122 people in Missouri.

多涡,多涡龙卷风来了。Multiple-vortex , multiple-vortex tornado on the ground.

差不多整个堪萨斯州的格林斯堡都被龙卷风推平了。Much of Greensburg, Kansas has been leveled by a tornado.

一点也不知道龙卷风正向他们的房子接近。They had no idea a tornado was coming toward their house.

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龙卷风使整个沿海的广播都中断了。The tornado disrupted broadcasting along the entire coast.

一场F3级龙卷风旋转着掠过南达科塔一个牧场。A category F3 tornado swirls across a South Dakota prairie.

巨大的龙卷风踢这片土地上宛如脱缰野马。The huge tornado kicked across the land like a wild bronco.

堪萨斯州格林斯堡,一场EF5级龙卷风把一辆汽车抛进一个宾馆。An EF5 tornado threw a van into a hotel in Greensburg Kansas.

龙卷风是一个毁灭性的打击尤为捷尼亚,俄亥俄州。One tornado that was especially destructive hit Xenia , Ohio.

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堪萨斯州格林斯堡,一场EF5级龙卷风把一辆汽车抛进一个宾馆。An EF5 tornado threw a van into a hotel in Greensburg, Kansas.

龙卷风是由钢丝绒、棉花、欧芹和青苔做成的。Tornado is made of steel wool, cotton, ground parsley and moss.

六月二十二日,龙捲风降临加拿大曼尼托巴省的艾利镇。A tornado touches down near Elie, Manitoba, Canada on June 22, 2007.