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卡拉瓦乔以其对明暗对照法的巧妙运用而出名。Caravaggio is famous for his use of chiaroscuro.

是可塑性还是明暗处理?。Was it the plasticity or was it the chiaroscuro?

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一幅林布兰肖像画的局部显示了明暗对照的绘画技术。A detail of a Rembrandt portrait illustrating the technique of chiaroscuro.

林布兰运用明暗法使他贯彻把男仕描绘成深刻奇特。Rembrandt's use of chiaroscuro allows him to insist on the profound singularity of the man.

光线照射所产生的明暗对比,是写实绘画语言的基本要素之一。The chiaroscuro caused by light radiation is one of the basic element in realistic paintings.

解决的办法是用传统中国画要求的线描法去画素描,减少明暗。He reduced chiaroscuro effect in his drawing ang drew with lines-only the line in his paintings.

明暗法是画家为了处理物体光影,突出同一物体不同面而采取的一种手法。Chiaroscuro is the painters solution for shaping objects from the darkness, wielding one to conjure the other.

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大师将中国传统的绘画技法与西方的透视法、明暗对照法和颜色组合融为一体。Master combines elements of traditional Chinese painting with western perspective, chiaroscuro and color schemes.

梅尔文再次用那来自宇宙中若隐若现光影中令人称奇的语言照耀了生活。From the universe's chiaroscuro shadows, Merwin once again calls upon the language of surprise to illuminate existence.

这部作品其中的明暗对比的反差比白昼之光还来的强烈,我们能够因此而抓住人对希望的反抗和斗争。Here is a work which, in a chiaroscuro more gripping than the light of day, permits us to seize man's struggle against his hopes.

单色画技术被用于运用价值于艺术品一个二维片断造成一个三维坚实形式的幻觉。The chiaroscuro technique is used to apply value to a two-dimensional pieceofartworktocreatetheillusion of a three-dimensional solid form.

本设计方案的明暗对比简洁大度,以暖色作大面积铺排,营造了温暖宜人的空间气氛。The design of chiaroscuro simple-minded, warm color for a large area of the layout, and created a warm and pleasant atmosphere in the space.

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艺术家每天要给内墙喷水三到四次,过程如上图所示的飘渺的明暗交错的影像,这张照片展现了一块绿草挂毯。With the artists misting the interior three or four times a day—a process shown in the ethereal, chiaroscuro image seen here—the shoots emerge into a blanket of greenery.

照片中特殊的视角和强烈的明暗对比,使这些看似肮脏及混乱的场景和事件变得如梦幻般的震撼人心。In his photographs unexpected camera angles and dramatic chiaroscuro effects transform the occasional squalor and chaos of the actual events into powerful dream-like images.

这个新的室内环境提供了一种建筑上的连续和对外部典型建筑的明暗搭配,同时为游客准备了实践和沉思冥想的空间。This new internal environment offers an architectural and sequential chiaroscuro to the external strip-mall type reality and prepares the visitor for practice of inward meditation and contemplation.