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您好,我的名字是泰莎和我住在卡拉奇。Hello, My name is Tessa and I live in Karachi.

飞行计划高度层是多少?ATC clears you to Karachi via your flight planned route.

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我想订一张10号星期一去卡拉奇的机票。I'd like to book a flight to Karachi for Monday the 10th.

内格罗蓬特在访问即将结束时在卡拉奇对记者讲话。Speaking to reporters in Karachi at the end of his visit.

他最后在一间卡拉奇医院接受治疗时死亡。He eventually died during treatment at a Karachi hospital.

巴基斯坦港市喀拉蚩的一个男孩在街上卖旧书。A boy sells old books by a road in Karachi January 7, 2007.

我们到达卡拉奇机场的时候酷热袭人,像坐在一个带风扇的大火炉旁边。Arriving at Karachi airport, the heat hits us like a fan oven.

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本月11日,沙特驻卡拉奇领馆曾遭两枚手榴弹袭击。On March 11, Saudi Consulate in Karachi who have been attacked two grenades.

巴基斯坦南部城市卡拉齐发生了严重的爆炸事件。And serious explosions have rocked to the southern Pakistani city of Karachi.

穆罕穆德允许半岛电视台透露他的藏身地点就在卡拉奇。Mohammed permittedAl Jazeera to reveal that he was hiding out in the Karachi area.

在卡拉奇的袭击是第三次针对巴基斯坦什叶派阿舒拉宗教仪式的袭击。The attack in Karachi was the third targeting Ashura observances by Pakistani Shi'ites.

哇,这真是个好新闻,卡拉奇走上了正确的方向,未来有可能成为上海或者迪拜。Wow , really good news, all steps in right direction for Karachi to become nextshanghai or Dubai.

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从巴黎到罗马的夜车夜发晨至,一路没有风景,只有一只巨大的月亮追随着火车。From Paris to Rome to Karachi night hair no scenery, all morning, only a gigantic moon followed the train.

所以我认为他们在各自岗位上成绩斐然,二人都四处奔波,拜登常去的是匹兹堡,希拉里更多是去卡拉奇,但他们都身负重任,都做得很好。Joe tends to go more to Pittsburgh , Hilary is going to Karachi. But they’ve both got important work to do.

它工作在KU和C波段之间,由位于卡拉奇和拉合尔的地面接受站指挥。It will work on both KU and C bands and controlled by earth stations in Karachi and Lahore, the agency said.

卡拉奇,位于阿拉伯海沿岸,是巴基斯坦的金融中心,主要港口以及最大的城市。Situated on the coast of the Arabian Sea, Karachi is Pakistan's financial center, main port, and largest city.

中国工商银行已获准分别在伊斯兰堡和卡拉奇开设分行。The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has gained the permission to open branches in Islamabad and Karachi.

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巴基斯坦,一所卡拉奇医院上的陈尸间内一名紧急救护人员站在一具希腊籍尸体旁。An ambulance paramedic stands next to the body of a Greek national in a morgue at a Karachi hospital in Pakistan.

由于上周的选举遭到操纵指控,周日卡拉奇举行了部分再选举。On Sunday, Karachi held a partial re-run of last week's general election prompted by accusations of vote-rigging.

暴力事件,例如上周末四十二名示威者在卡拉奇丧生,震惊国内外。Violent incidents, such as 42 demonstrators killed in Karachi last weekend, have raised alarm at home and abroad.