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编写使用案例叙述,过于简洁。Write the use cases too tersely.

不要把用例写得过于简介。Don't write the use cases too tersely.

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话说得扼要但有突破性的意义。It was tersely worded, but a significant breakthrough.

因此,本文着重从以下几个方面对其进行了研究。Hence, the following will be studied tersely in the paper.

影片洗练地刻画了人物的性格。This movie tersely portrays the characters' personalities.

“不成了,”海丝佳生硬地说,“疯眼汉会解释的。”"Can't do it, " said Hestia tersely. "Mad-Eye will explain. "

“安保飞船,”他简洁地说,“我们得赶快回去。”"Security vehicle, " he said tersely. "We'd better get to our ship. "

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“对,”阿不福思生硬地说,“读了丽塔·斯基特,是吗,小姑娘?”"Yes, " said Aberforth tersely. "Been reading Rita Skeeter, have you, missy?"

当地媒体简要地报道了这则新闻,称该男子为精神病患者。Local media tersely reported the news, describing the attacker as mentally ill.

相比之下,使用正则表达式可以更精练地描述同类规则。In contrast, the same sort of rules can be described even more tersely using regular expressions.

简单介绍了结构光传感器的组成和现有的标定方法。The composing of structured light sensor and the existing calibration methods are presented tersely.

本文扼要阐述了作者48年来从事锅炉化学清洗研究与实践的业绩与心得。This paper expounds tersely author's achievement and experience of chemical cleaning for boiler in last 48 years.

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飞机一起飞,佩奇镇静且简洁的将此消息告诉了其他人,并花15分钟回答了一些提问。As the 767 took off, Page tersely but calmly shared the news with the others on the plane and answered their questions for about 15 minutes.

由于我赚钱相对容易,借用我的银行经理对现代Micawber的简称,我就是个十足的“飞行员”。Given how easy it is to earn money, I qualify financially as an “airline pilot”—as my local bank manager tersely characterises the modern Micawber.

介绍了竹醋液的生产方法、性质及其在农业生产上的应用。The manufacturing method of bamboo vinegar was briefly introduced in this paper, and its main composition and applications were tersely presented and introduced.

上个月颁布的财产权法案直接明确的承认了集体和私人的固有资产都受到法律的保护。The property law adopted last month for the first time expressly, if tersely , acknowledges that both collective and private ownership of Chinese real property is protected by law.

他是这样的一个作家,让你需要加入自己思考才可以更好领会他的意思,但当然意思一直在那里,只是用语朴素,而且往往过于简洁,且拐弯抹角,仿效谚语那样。He is one of the writers that make you think before you grasp his meaning, but the meaning is there, and put plainly enough, only tersely and very often indirectly, after the manner of proverbs.

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文中简单介绍了混波室的工作原理,理论分析模型,统计特性,混波室设计中的若干问题。In the article, the principle of the Reverberation-Chamber, the model of theory analysis, character of statistics, and same problem in design the Reverberation-Chamber had been introduced tersely.

文中简单介绍了混波室的工作原理,理论分析模型,统计特性,混波室设计中的若干问题。In the article, the principle of the Reverberation-Chamber, the model of theory analysis, character of statistics, and some problem in design the Reverberation-Chamber had been introduced tersely.