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啊,很容易,我们可以挖地道进去。Aye , it's easy. We could tunnel our way in.

是的。龙来将她带向荣誉。Aye. The dragons have come to carry her to glory.

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公元前525年出生于希腊阿提卡的埃琉西斯。Was born in 525 BC Greece Attica Aye sulfur Francis.

啊,那是因为你的性格好。Aye -- that is because you have the right disposition.

啊,那是因为你的性格好。Aye -- that is because you have the right disposition.

貌埃将军4月4号将抵达印度进行为期三天的访问。General Aye is to arrive in India April 4 on a three-day visit.

目前,影片确定将由大卫·阿耶执导,并将于2016年上映。Current, film is affirmatory will by David Aye hold guide, will show 2016.

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我口袋里有着法国国王的委任状,也许这对我还起一点保护作用吧。I have the king of France's commission in my pocket, which would aye be some protection.

每当孟诶副大将希望会见丹瑞大将,他需要许可。Whenever Vice Snr-Gen Maung Aye wants to see Snr-Gen Than Shwe, he needs permission first.

法案轻易在众院通过,有一百五十三名民主党议员和一百三十六名共和党议员投了赞成票。The bill was easily passed by the House, with 153 Democrats and 136 Republicans voting aye.

参议员以89票对11票表决通过,赞成票中包括37位民主党议员,只有一位共和党议员投了反对票。The Senate vote was 89 to 11, with 37 Democrats voting aye and only one Republican voting nay.

埃敏少将是在新加坡召开的香格里拉对话会议上对亚洲安全官员和专家说这番话的。Aye Myint was speaking to Asian security officials and experts at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.

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是啊。北方的兽人很快就会开始行动。我不认为哈勒斯能抵挡他们的进攻。Aye. The orcs in the north will move soon. I do not believe Halas will be able to withstand their assault.

丁吴将军和钦纽将军径直上楼去晋见丹瑞将军和孟诶副将。Gen. Khin Nyunt and Gen. Tin Oo went straight upstairs to see Snr-Gen Than Shwe and Vice Snr-Gen Maung Aye.

这两种非正式的打招呼用法,都是“你好”的意思,在英格兰北部非常流行。Hiya, Aye up – These informal greetings both mean Hello and are especially popular in the north of England.

丹瑞大将和2号孟诶将军将继续在大选后保留军事高位。I think both Gen Than Shwe and No. 2 Gen Maung Aye will continue to hold their military posts after the election.

埃塔昂把最近对的军队辞职热的报道斥为毫无意义——即使这些辞职行为都是真的。Aye Thar Aung dismissed reports of the recent round of military resignations as meaningless, even if they are true.

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当相机是馅饼和部署在至关重要的是确定的庞大的灰色盒子,KPE相机要小得多。While the cameras deployed on the PIE and AYE are identified by their large grey boxes, the KPE cameras are much smaller.

参议员以89票对11票表决通过,赞成票中包括37位民主党议员,只有一位共和党议员投了反对票。The Senate vote was 89 to 11, with 37 Democrats voting aye and only one Republican voting nay. Reaganomics had officially begun.

当时,该组织由前高级领导人丹瑞大将和前副大将孟诶策划支持。At that time, the organization was under the patronage of former Senior General Than Shwe and former Vice Senior General Maung Aye.