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石头裂了。The stone cracked.

这个高脚杯有裂痕。This goblet is cracked.

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他扳了下手指关节。He cracked his knuckles.

她的一只脚趾撞破了。One of her toes cracked.

皮圈表面裂。Aprons with cracked surfaces.

沿高速公路向南行驶。Cracked up on the expressway.

她脸上绽出天使般的笑容。She cracked an angelic smile.

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她脸上绽出天使般笑容。She cracked an angelic smile.

他脸上绽出了微笑。His face cracked into a smile.

鞭炮在头顶上空噼啪地爆响。The fireworks cracked overhead.

这个帖子真让我笑死了。This post really cracked me up.

那个故事真使我捧腹大笑。That story really cracked me up.

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那棵树发出咔的一声巨响断裂倒下了。The tree cracked loudly and fell.

我们的窗玻璃裂了一块。One of our windowpanes is cracked.


这架飞机在着陆时坠毁。The airplane cracked up in landing.

钟声滴滴答答,火声劈劈啪啪。The clock ticked, the fire cracked.

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中文破钟敲不响。A cracked bell can never sound well.

那个男孩尚未变声。The boy's voice has not cracked yet.

他把手指关节弄的噼啪作响。He cracked the joints of his fingers.