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将出现一个文本框。A text box will appear.

这将出现一个新表单。A new form should appear.

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Interbase是如何出现的?How did Interbase appear?

这将出现一个新的表。A new table should appear.

出现了另外一些子选项卡。Additional sub-tabs appear.

这样至少你显得高贵。At least you appear classy.

张红夫妻显得懦弱。Hong couples appear cowardly.

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说曹操,曹操就到。Speak of devil and he appear.

这部作品将分册出版。The work will appear in parts.

小学生们显得不守纪律。The pupils appear in bad order.

白癫风可发生于任何年龄的人。Vitiligo may appear at any age.

夜间干的事,白天会败露。What do by night appear by day.

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夜晚来到时星星出现。When night falls, stars appear.

灰色部分为海洋和湖泊。Oceans and lakes appear in gray.

据海报说,她扮演简爱。She is billed to appear as Jane.

春天嫩芽初绽。The new buds appear in the spring.

这种类型的错误并没有出现。This kind of error doesn't appear.

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这会显得你是个挑剔的人。You will appear as a fussy person.

所有命脉似乎稳定下来。All vitals appear to be stabilized.

重叠部分呈黄色。Overlapping portions appear yellow.