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为了调查服毒自杀理论。To investigate the poison theory.

科学家研究自然。Scientists investigate the nature.

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但我们还是可加以探讨。We might investigate that as well.

对这个顾虑进行研究并作出回应。Investigate and respond to this concer.

我需要调查他们的建议。I need to investigate their suggestions.

未来要调查一下。that we would need to investigate further.

一个代表团来调查这个案件。A delegation came to investigate this case.

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这使我们着手调查其他平台。This led us to investigate other platforms.

所以我们需要进一步地去调查这个问题。So we need to investigate the issue further.

版权所有,盗版必究。All rights reserved, pirates must investigate.

带着困惑,她们来到他的房间调查。Puzzled, they went to his room to investigate.

他们俩返回到警卫室查看。They go back to the Guard Room to investigate.

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对120名老年人牙体病进行调查。To investigate 120 senile patients with teeth.

专利产品仿造必究。Patent product, the counterfeit must investigate.

第五章我们处理多夸克态。In Chapter 5 we investigate the multi-quark states.

只是不要用紫外光灯来进行犯罪现场调查。Just don't investigate CSI-style with a black light.

方法经验总结,现场调查。Methods Summarize experience, investigate in locale.

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这又引发了另外一个问题。That leaves us with another question to investigate.

他抄起一杆猎枪去看个究竟。He took a pump-action shotgun and went to investigate.

第一章,主要研究消去幺半群。In Chapter 1, we investigate the cancellation monoids.