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搅拌直到融解。Stir well to dissolve.

我搅拌着沸水。I stir the boiling water.

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你动一动,我就开枪。If you stir , I'll shoot.

小小的心湖里起涟漪。Ripples stir in my heart.

夸伦人开始骚动。The Quarren begin to stir.

添加鹰嘴豆并搅拌。Add the chickpeas and stir.

优格优格,搅拌它。Yogurt, yogurt, stir it up.

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不宜马上用旺火翻炒。Do not stir fry immediately.

那是一个辗转难眠的长夜。Iave had a long night in stir.

下一步把打好的鸡蛋拌进去。Next, stir in the beaten eggs.

加入糖蜜和蛋黄搅拌。Stir in molasses and egg yolk.

接着加入牛奶和香蕉泥。Stir in milk and mashed bananas.

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与麦片或奶酪混着吃。Stir them into cereal and yogurt

在煮的同时,倒入奶油搅拌。As it simmers, stir in the cream.

诸如此类的论调喧嚣一时。Such a talk created quite a stir.

加入葡萄,薄荷和腰果,搅拌。Stir in grapes, mint, and cashews.

倒入桂花糖,搅拌好了就能吃了。Stir in osmanthus sugar and serve.

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把豆沙和砂糖以及枫糖浆一起拌匀。Stir in the sugar and maple syrup.

起身把水壶放上去。Stir yourself and put on a kettle.

母亲被这话弄傻了,没有动。The stupefied mother did not stir.