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以下为本合同之见证人。The undermentioned is witness to this contract.

本工程由甲方委托乙方总承包及施工。The undermentioned project is consigned by Party A to Party B.

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卖方同意售出买方同意购进以下商品Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods

我们已将下列货物装上“伊预”号货轮,同函奉上本货物提单副本一份,特此通知。We inform you that we are sending by the "Iyomaru" the undermentioned goods.

请回信提供下列货物的最低报价。Your lowest quotation is requested, by return , for the undermentioned goods.

的要求,由被保险人向本公司缴付约定的保险费,按照本保险单。Paying to the Company by the Insured, Undertakes to insure the undermentioned.

为此,我们从下面两个方面进行研究。For these reasons, We perform the research from the two undermentioned aspects.

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你可到下列的指定医院接受体检。You should arrange to undergo your medical examination at the undermentioned hospital.

请回信告如下列货物的最低报价,则不胜感激。We shall be glad if you let us have by return your lowest price for the undermentioned goods.

其确切原因尚不十分清楚,一般认为与下述原因有关。Its cut an account truly still very not clear, think to be concerned with undermentioned reason commonly.

据此证明以下签署商号已于1962年根据“商号注册条款”在新南威尔士注册。THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the undermentioned Bussiness Name is registered in New South Wales under the Business Names Act, 1962.

兹将下列完好状况之货物装船后希签署收货单。Received on board the undermentioned goods apparent in good order and condition and sign the accompanying receipt for the same.

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我行已经根据以下根据以下交易借记您的帐户,最终的结果将会出现在您的对账单上。We have DEBITED your account in line with the undermentioned transaction, the net proceeds of which will appear on your statement.

依据建筑热工原理,结合建筑构造的实际情况,可以通过下述途径达到隔热目的。Heat up labour principle according to the building, union builds tectonic real case, can achieve adiabatic goal through undermentioned way.

概括说来,国际贸易促进一国经济发展,是通过下述这些机制的作用而实现的。The summary mentions, international trade promote economic development through undermentioned these mechanism, is the role and the realization.

因此希望你们对信用证中某些术语作如下修改,并希望你们能对你们的联系人进行一些必要的指导。We hereby request you to make the following alterations in the terms of the undermentioned letter of credit and to forward necessary instructions to your correspondent.