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并且它变得越来越陡峭。And then it gets steeper and steeper.

通向山顶的路似乎变得更长、更陡。The walk to the top seemed longer, steeper.

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如果你用1除以R的平方,它会变得稍微陡峭一些。If you get one over R squared, it'll be a little steeper.

山路开始向上曲折盘旋,越来越陡。The mountain road began to twist up, steeper and steeper.

萨克斯比称如若该激素皮质水平在早晨以后的时间内迅速下降,便可断定其主人是健康的。Saxbe says a steeper drop in the hormone is considered healthy.

接着,野草变成了矮树丛,山坡也变陡了。Then the grass turned to bushes and the hillside became steeper.

运行花边甚至在陡峭的角度建立一个五格的方式。Run the lacing at an even steeper angle to create a five-way lattice.

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从给定的几点来看,向南的那条路径比向东那条更陡些。From some given point, a Southward path may be steeper than an Eastward path.

它的总体走向为近南北—北北东,倾角较陡。Its overall strike is from n'ear north-south to north-north-east and dip steeper.

收益率曲线变陡会让银行赚取息差,从而鼓励他们放贷。A steeper yield curve should allow banks to earn a spread and encourage them to lend.

心理能力也会随着年龄的增长而衰退,但是男性衰退速度要快于女性。All mental abilities decline with age, but the decline is steeper in men than in women.

眼科医生用激光把角膜变平或者变陡。The laser allows your eye surgeon to flatten the curve of your cornea or make it steeper.

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海雁因为历经了风吹雨打,才能喊出“让暴风雨来得更猛一些”的豪言壮语。Hai Yan because, after the wind and rain to cry "Let the Tempest come steeper some" rhetoric.

尤其是沙丘的迎风面非常光滑。The upwind side of the smaller dunes are smoother and steeper than the downwind, or lee, side.

海城地震就发生在中部隆起带的较陡的东南坡上。The Haicheng Earthquake occurred on the steeper southeastern slope ofthe central uplifted region.

复斜屋顶在四个面上都各有两个斜面,一个较浅的上部斜面和一个较陡的下部斜面。The mansard roof has two slopes on all four sides, a shallower upper part and a steeper lower part.

三角构造楔内部的突发构造是形成背斜南翼陡、北翼缓的根本原因。The pop-up structure causes the south limb of anticline is steeper than the north limb of anticline.

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如果您是有远见的,你的医生利用激光,使您的角膜陡峭,因为它太扁平。If you are farsighted, your doctor uses the laser to make your cornea steeper because it is too flat.

在双信道情况下,输入脉冲重叠时的输出功率和增益变得更陡峭。In the condition of two-channel, when input pulses overlap, the output power and gain become steeper.

她们也会把你请到一家茶坊,但是价钱却比周边茶坊贵得出奇。they might also invite you to a local teahouse, whose prices are way steeper than others in the area.