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你听说过咱们的对抗式诉讼模式吧?You’ve heard of our adversarial system of justice?

更多对手的评估报告在小布什担任总统之后允许的一项五角大楼研究中得出。The more adversarial assessment was backed up by a Pentagon study Mr.

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在商家和消费者之间几乎产生了一种敌对的情绪。There is almost an adversarial feeling between businesses and consumers.

多人对抗赛累积共击毙150个敌人,但至少需6位玩家同场。Kill 150 enemies in multiplayer adversarial with at least 6 players present.

多人对抗赛累积共击毙500个敌人,但至少需6位玩家同场。Kill 500 enemies in multiplayer adversarial with at least 6 players present.

多人对抗赛累积共击毙1000个敌人,但至少需6位玩家同场。Kill 1000 enemies in multiplayer adversarial with at least 6 players present.

新的刑事诉讼法施行后,我国引入了对抗式的审判方式。After the new criminal law was put into force, the adversarial trial was introduced into our country.

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敌对的方向致使人们将认知集中到自己身上,并且随之形成的自我关注很难被动摇。These adversarial goals shift cognitive focus to the self and it can be tough to shake that self-focus.

实质听证或审讯,一般采用讯问方式而作对抗形式。Substantive hearing or trial, where an inquisitorial method is adopted rather than an adversarial method.

他们指责她简单的人员配置,令人发疯的按项目收费模式以及对乘客的不友好态度。They decry Ryanair's terse staff, maddening á la carte charges, and seemingly adversarial attitude to passengers.

很显然俄罗斯仍然致力于保有对西方的对抗关系。It quickly became clear that the Russians were still intent on harboring an adversarial relationship with the West.

在一个冷漠的社会里被迫沦为社会最贫苦的人群,他们除了自己的才能无所依靠。Forced into an adversarial position with an indifferent society, they have nothing to fall back on but their talents.

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白宫记者们则摆出更具对抗性的姿态,并成为媒体与政府精英过招的粘合剂。White House correspondents assumed a more adversarial stance, and the bond between media and government elites frayed.

五月贝伦鲍姆说,对几千年的历史,人们有一个对抗性与蜜蜂的关系,因为他们刺痛。May Berenbaum says that for thousands of years, people have had an adversarial relationship with bees, because they sting.

印度同样也应该开始增加手中的砝码,以防未来两国交恶。India too should start developing equivalent points of leverage in case the relationship becomes adversarial in the future.

本文第五章利用前面章节给出的CCGA算法模型和方法对两个对抗性问题进行实验。The fifth chapter gives two demonstrations of adversarial problems solving by using the algorithmic model and methods of CCGA.

我们看到了基础性的转变,与商业伙伴之间从契约性的、对立的关系转到更为协作的关系。We are seeing fundamental shifts from contractual, adversarial relationships with the business to ones that are more collaborative.

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对抗或不合作的态度可以很容易地破坏任何积极的结果,并投入到毫无意义的带有敌意的讨论。An adversarial or uncooperative attitude can easily scuttle any positive results and plunge the discussion into pointless hostility.

工程合同争端的频繁发生使得建筑工程业被称为是一个具有对抗性的行业。The construction industry is generally acknowledged as the adversarial industry with the frequent occurrence of construction disputes.

由于搜寻本身的高价值和标定性,搜寻引擎和搜寻引擎优化员间自始便存在对抗的关系。Due to the high marketing value of targeted search results, there is potential for an adversarial relationship between search engines and SEOs.