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记住,运动后一小时不能吃东西。Remember, dont eat anything ofr one hour afterwards.

大家以后常持火炬,纪念我国这位圣女。This torch we'll always carry ofr our nation's golden child.

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心里惦着黑匣子里的好东西,在梦里我醒了。While I was keeping thinking ofr the good things in the shop, I woke up.

即使犯有欺诈或受贿罪,法官亦不承担司法行为中的民事责任。A judge incurs no civil liability ofr judicial acts, even if guilty of fraud and corruption.

临床麻醉剂量的异丙酚可有效地清除OFR,有显著的脑保护作用。Therapeutic dose of propofol may play a role in brain protection and act as an OFR scavenger in vivo.

出于个别原因我偶尔会回达拉斯几趟,总是不情愿的,总有不好的事情发生。I would go back a couple of times ofr one reason or another, always reluctantly, and something bad would happen.

可是我刚刚发现我的朋友正在计划给我最好的朋友举办生日聚会,而他们没有邀请我。But I just found out that my friends were planning a birthday party ofr my best friend, and they didn't invite me.

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教师自身能力及素质的提高是发展教育事业的重要环节。Enhancing teaching practitioners'empowerment and self-development is of vital importance ofr education development.

其目的就是构建一个国际社会认可的框架来推行非集权化和当地的民主建设。Its aim is nothing less than to draw up an internationally agreed framework ofr decentralization and the practice of local democracy.

事实上,研究参考表示,那一个一个参考是更有效率的如果大约四十五分钟的一个工厂而且轮流一十分钟的开。In fact , research studies show that one's study is more efficient if one works ofr about forty -five minutes and takes a ten- minute break.

钢瓶印字机是吸收消化国内外先进丝网印刷机械的基础上经过多次试验,改进研制成功的钢瓶专用印字机。Applied the new technics modified and improve from other similar printers, this machine is designed to be a more advanced one ofr LPG cylinder.

在所研究的温度范围内,所有材料的导电机理都属于极化子的变程跳跃导电。In the investigated temperature range, the conductive mechanism ofr all samples belongs to the variable range hopping conduction of the polarons.

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使用表格“可比公司数据”里的数据,每个公司的大约相对值度量的计算见下面的表格。Using the data from the table "comparable company data", the appropriate relative value measures ofr each firm are calculated in the following table.

结论拳参正丁醇提取物对异丙肾上腺素所致大鼠心肌肥厚具有保护作用,其作用机制与清除OFR和提高NO水平有关。ConclusionBAEB has a protective effect on myocardial hypertrophy caused by Iso, and its mechanism may be related with clearance of OFR and NO concentration promotion.

结论TEN在腹部外科危重病人的治疗中发挥了很好的作用,它经济实用、副作用少,结合心理护理效果更好。Conclusions TEN is the very useful treatment ofr patients who have the serious disease of abdomen surgery. It's thrifty and functional, and with the less side effect.

结论甘肃产华中五味子通过对雌性小鼠卵巢组织中SOD活性和OFR含量的影响,对实验性肾阴虚型雌性小鼠有影响作用。Conclusion Schisandraceae has very obviously protective action to experimental Kidney Yin deficiency by influencing content of SOD and OFR of female mice ovary tissue.

文章从语义、语境和语用三个方面来对英语幽默进行深层结构分析,以期有助于人们创造和欣赏幽默。In the thesis the author made semantic , contextual and pragmatic analysis on the deep structure ofr English humorous language in order to help people create and appreciate English humor.

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这说明氧自由基对肉鸡肺动脉内皮细胞具有损伤作用,可能在肉鸡肺动脉高压综合征的发病过程中起重要作用。These results suggest that OFR might have an injury effect on the endothelium of pulmonary artery in broiler and may play an important role in the mechanism of pulmonary hypertension syndrome.

适用于订单量大或玻璃厚度变化不大的产品,特别适用于超白压花玻璃及薄玻璃钢化。It is particularly suitable ofr making products with big quantity of orders or little variation in glass thickness, which is specially used for tempering ultra-cleat figured glass and thin glass.

由于以上种种问题,企业将不可避免失去直销商、分销商及产品市场的危险,因此所带来的严重亏损会使企业客户的巨大投资付之东流。Due to all the reasons hereinbefore , corporation cannot avoid the risk of losing irect distributors, agencies and market, thegimpact ofr which will make customers' large investment go down the tubes.