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戴上你的岩盔。Wear a helmet.

请戴好安全头盔。Please wear the helmet.

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他的钢盔在闪闪发光。His helmet kept coruscating.

别作冒失鬼,请戴安全帽。Don't be rash, wear the helmet.

美军直升机头盔。US Gentex Helicopter Crew Helmet.

矿灯巩固在矿工的头盔上。A miner's lamp is fixed onto his helmet.

尽量配戴合适的头盔。Always wear a helmet that fits properly.

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他的象征是有翼的鞋子和头盔。His symbols were winged sandals and helmet.

每次骑自行车我都要戴上头盔。I will always wear a helmet when bicycling.

和头顶白盔的锡神。And the tin divinity wearing a white helmet.

头顶黄盔的铜神。The copper divinity wearing a yellow helmet.

每个骑车人都应当佩戴安全帽。Every bike rider should wear a safety helmet.

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与安全帽和耳罩配套使用方便。Easy to use with safety helmet and ear defender.

工作时操作手应戴安全帽。Operator should wear safety helmet when at work.

到工地的所有参不雅观者必需带上安全帽。All visitors to the site must wear safety helmet.

他们为我买了一部机车,另外还有一顶头盔。They bought me a motocycle, and a helmet to boot.

因为那会使钢盔无处放。Beause that would leave no place to put the helmet.

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你想获得免费酷突击兵头盔?Do you want to get a free cool Stormtrooper Helmet?

他们是头戴黑盔的铁神。They were the iron divinity wearing a black helmet.

附件有钢盔灯和无线电通信器。Accessories like helmet lamps and radio communication.