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这个大厅音响效果好。The hall has good acoustics.

这是什么声学原理呢What about the acoustics here?

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重申,是声学定律Once again, the laws of acoustics.

这个剧院的音响效果很好。The acoustics of this theater are admirable.

家庭装饰,别忘了你的音响。Domestic adornment, did not forget your acoustics.

这房间的音响效果设计得颇具匠心。The acoustics of the room have been expertly planned.

在选择场地的时候,要考虑到音响效果。When selecting a location take acoustics into account.

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麦迪逊广场花园的音效很好。And the acoustics are very good in Madison Square Garden

可听化技术是室内声学研究的重要手段。Auralization is an important tool for room acoustics study.

现在国产发烧音响那个比较好一点?Homebred now have a fever has been acoustics compared that?

本文讨论空气声中的非线性声学。Significance of non-linear acoustics in aerial sound is discussed.

美妙的歌声回荡在宏伟的石头房子中—那简直就是天籁之声。I love the acoustics there – human voices in that great stone room.

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这是一个高端和专业音响输出功率融合。It is a fusion of high-end acoustics and professional output power.

适用于电脑主机板,高保真音箱,高分辨数码彩电等电子线路中。Used in main board , hi-fi acoustics , numeral color-TV circuits etc.

音响效果不太好,有些地方我听不太清。The acoustics is not very good, I have trouble understanding some bit.

音响效果不太好,有些地方我听不太清。The acoustics are not very good, I had trouble understanding some bits.

音响效果不太好,有些地方我听不太清。The acoustics are not very good, I have trouble understanding some bit.

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隔声是建筑声学的一个基本问题。Sound insulation is one of the basic questions in architectural acoustics.

同样,在水声学领域内也需要用可视化技术对声纳接收到的数据进行研究。It is necessary to study the data from sonar system in underwater acoustics.

博士,副研究员,中国科学院声学研究所。PhD, Associate Professor, Institute of Acoustics , Chinese Academy of Sciences.