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票数作了一次复算。A recount of votes was made.

重数一遍洗衣件数,检验件数是否与客人所填数目相符。Recount the Laundry items to verify items against guest count.

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我用嘴唇传扬你口中的一切典章。With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth.

而且,我相信我们会尊重验票的结果。Also, we believe that we will respect the results of the recount.

我们已经要求法院进行透明、立即的验票。We have asked the court to conduct a transparent, immediate recount.

蒙特亚莱格雷希望能够在国际观察组织的监督下重新计票。Mr Montealegre wants a recount supervised by international observers.

重新计票有实际的必要性,却无选举法作为法律基础。The recount is a practical necessity but has no basis in electoral law.

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他们保存历史的唯一办法是将历史当作传说讲述。The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas.

她很快地讲述了做为一个手工艺者,奋斗在纽约的那些时光。But she's quick to recount her days as a struggling crafter in New York City.

至于英军所能起的微弱的作用,则有待后文补叙。It remains only to recount the slender part which the British were able play.

让我们来回忆,复述那些事迹,如同守财奴数算他的金子。Let us for a moment recount them, telling them over as misers count their gold.

小布什州长立即上诉到美国最高法院,要求结束重新计票。Governor Bush immediately appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the recount.

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该委员会已下令对全国范围的诸多投票站进行审计和重新计票。It's also ordered an audit and recount in many polling stations across the country.

我等今日齐聚于此,”哈斯塔意味深长地说着,“必细数汝今日之恶行。”"Now we art all here," said Hastur meaningfully, "we must recount the Deeds of the Day."

其它章节展开则围绕青豆的故事,她10岁时遇见了川奈。The other chapters recount events around Aomame, who met Tengo when she was 10 years old.

我等今日齐聚于此,”哈斯塔意味深长地说着,“必细数汝今日之恶行。”"Now we art all here, " said Hastur meaningfully, "we must recount the Deeds of the Day."

几天后,弗格森爵士倒是会以很开心甚至很赞赏的口吻跟别人说起这件事。Days later Sir Alex Ferguson will recount the tale with relish, hilarity and even admiration.

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然而区域覆算所包含的23个选区可能使民革运失去优势。But the partial recount includes 23 voting districts that could turn the tide against the MDC.

但金正日的轶闻倒使我们有机会能够生动地解读这个有关食物的传闻。The Kim anecdote does give an opportunity to recount the litanyof Kim food-related lore though

其实挺无聊的,整整27分钟不断的在追叙这个作家的过去。In fact, quite boring, and a full 27 minutes continuously in the recount of this writer's past.