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今天我么加倍重视自己的价值。Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.

今天我要加倍重视自己的价值。Guide me, God. Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.

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他的长途跋涉得到了百倍的补偿。His long trek up the hillside had been repaid a hundredfold.

又有落在好土里的,生长起来,结实百倍。And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold.

一顿丰富的早餐会让你一整天都精神百倍。The breakfast that abounds suddenly can make you daylong mental hundredfold.

另外有些种子落在好的土壤里,长苗,长大起来,结实百倍。And other fell into the good ground, and grew, and brought forth fruit a hundredfold.

这香味实在太吸引人了,只是闻一闻就精神百倍。The person was really too preoccupied to this flavor, just smelt morale a hundredfold.

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根据这个电脑模型,这样设计出的风力发电厂效能将能比现在提高一百倍。According to the computer model, this design could increase wind farm efficiency a hundredfold.

在制定目标的时候,不妨参考过去最好的成绩,使其发扬光大。Insetting my goals I will consider my best performance of the past and multiply it a hundredfold.

在制定目标的时候,不妨参考过去最好的成绩,使其发扬光大。这必须成为我未来生活的目标。Insetting my goals i will consider my best performance of the past and multiply it a hundredfold.

我的弟兄,你要知道,如果有人以言以行冒犯另一个人,之后他将亲身遭受百倍于此的冒犯。Know, my brother, that if someone offends another either in deed or word, later he himself will be offended a hundredfold more.

所有的协会的新文章在网络上可以任意使用,这带来了数百倍的的人来读这些文章。All new Adam Smith Institute reports are now available free online, which has brought a hundredfold increase in the number of people reading them.

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日本人声称需要殖民地容纳其余的人口而侵入满洲里。然而,中国内地迁移到满洲的移民比日本要多一百倍。The Japanese assert that they need colonies for their surplus population, yet the Chinese immigrants into Manchuria exceed the Japanese a hundredfold.

与传统的技术相比,组织微阵技术在不破坏原先组织的情况下对分子的分析速度加快100倍。Compared with conventional techniques, the speed of molecular analyze for TMAs is increased by more than one hundredfold without precious tissues destroyed.

液态水通过“树干”在大负压下流动,并通过一个类似“根系”的系统蒸发。Quantitatively, the differences in pressure generated in plants to drive flow can be more than a hundredfold larger than those generated in synthetic wicks.

要象另外一个农夫那样,在地�播下活的种子,地�结出活的麦穗,比他种下的种子多百倍。But be like that husbandman who sowed in his field living seed, and whose field bore living ears of wheat, paying a hundredfold for the seeds which he planted.

结果表明,电子天平计量法可以将吸管加入溶液体积的计量精度提高2个数量级,从而大大提高了工作曲线的准确性和线性。It showed that precision of volume was improved hundredfold by electron balance method and thus the accuracy and linearity of the work curve was improved greatly.

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它产生的韧致辐射强度比电子感应加速器高几十到几百倍,射线照相所需时间更短、分辨率更高。Its' radiant intension higher tenfold to hundredfold compare with the betatron, spending shorter time on radiogram. higher resolution rate. Hope stream to strong, spot to small commonly.

根据计算机模型得出的结果,这种设计可以让风力发电厂效率提高数百倍,下一步就是研究人员的现场测试,看“鱼儿”在陆地上的“游动”。According to the computer model, this design could increase wind farm efficiency a hundredfold. The next step for the researchers is to do a field test, trying out these fish dynamics on dry land.

按摩师一般要佩戴生丝手套,通过在身体上上下下的轻柔摩擦,达到促进血液循环的目的,能使人立即精神百倍。Massagist should adorn commonly raw silk glove, through chafing in the gentleness with remittent body, achieve the goal that stimulative blood circulates, can make person instantly mental hundredfold.