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下颌骨对上颌骨乃至颅骨的位置关系。The position relation between mandible and maxilla or cranioaural.

上颌关节被称为上颌骨,与颞骨连接。The upper jaw is called the maxilla and is joined to the temporal bone.

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中颜面骨与下颚骨是构成颜面主要的部份。Maxilla and mandible are the major parts of the maxillofacial structure.

牙齿是嵌入在上颌骨和下颌骨的牙槽突。The teeth are embedded in the alveolar process of the maxilla and mandible.

本篇病例报告是一个在上颚前牙区有三颗阻生牙之病例。This case report here presents a child with 3 impacted teeth in right anterior maxilla.

目的探讨上颌前部骨内埋伏多生牙的手术径路。Objective To investigate the surgical approaches of the embedded supernumerary teeth in maxilla.

有宽大的鼻孔但不可佔据整个上颌的宽度,其颜色是黑色。Well-developed with broad nostrils not occupying entirely the maxilla width. The color is black.

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结果肌激动器对下颌生长起积极作用,对上颌生长可能有抑制作用。Results The activator affects the growth of mandible positively and inhibits the growth of the maxilla.

与这两种药物相关的主要毒副作用为肾损伤、低钙血症和上颌骨、下颌骨坏死。The main toxicities include renal impairment, hypocalcemia and osteonecrosis of the maxilla and mandible.

结论4种径路均是上颌前部埋伏多生牙拔除的有效方法。Conclusion The 4 approaches are especially useful to the embedded supernumerary teeth in anterior maxilla.

计测上、下颌标志点的坐标值,进行相关性分析。Coordinate of landmarks in maxilla and mandible were calculated and correlative factor analysis was performed.

上下颌骨的生理差异可能导致了上颌牙量的增加大于下颌牙量的增加。Biological variations between mandible and maxilla may lead to the more augment of teeth size in maxilla than in mandible.

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上颌骨内供血动脉与上颌骨粘骨膜存在广泛交通支,使上颌骨形成内外供血动脉相交通的立体血管网。Arteries supplying periosteum of maxilla formed a abundant vascular net with the internal and external arteries of maxilla.

要区分鼻骨与上颌骨额突及周围的细致结构,CT检查是个好方法。CT is a good method for distinguishing the nasal bone from the frontal process of the maxilla and other meticulous structures.

目的探讨螺旋CT扫描技术在人工牙种植术前检查与评估中的应用。Objective To investigate the application of spiral CT in assessment of the mandible and maxilla for endosseous implant surgery.

上下颌骨的生理差异可能导致了上颌牙量的增加大于下颌牙量的增加。Physiological differences between mandible and maxilla may lead to the more increase of tooth size in maxilla than in mandible.

图3-13当舌头惯常地呈现如图此种错误位置时,上颚的横向发育将是不足的。Fig3-13 When the tongue habitually assumes this incorrect, low position, transverse development of the maxilla will be deficient.

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上颚区进行植牙手术时,常因与上颚窦距离过近,而必须施行术上颚窦增高术。Maxillary sinus augmentation is often necessary when we place implants in posterior maxilla with inadequate alveolar bone height.

临床上大部分患儿以局部缓慢增大的无痛性肿块就诊,肿块大体观察为实性,呈淡蓝色或灰黑色。The maxilla is the most oftenly involves site. The mass which has a light blue or gray-black appearance in gross improves slowly.

发生在上颚骨比下颚骨多,而女性的好发比例也比男性高。Fibrous dysplasia of the jaws affects the maxilla more frequently than the mandible and affects females more frequently than males.