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里德算不上什么深刻的思想者。Mr Reid is not a deep thinker.

你是孤独的看客,是智者。You're a solitary gazer , a thinker.

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他被赞誉为大思想家。He has been feted as a great thinker.

我也可以成为第一等级思考者的。I, too, would be a grade-one thinker.

下一步思考者必须确定问题。Next the thinker must define the problem.

尼曼忍受不了,就去和思想家商量。Nieman stand, go and consult with thinker.

其实,孔子是一位世界闻名的大思想家。Confucius a great thinker all over the world.

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是什么原因让普拉哈拉德成为富有创意的思想家?What made Mr Prahalad such a creative thinker?

每一个认真思考的人都明白,这两者缺一不可。Every serious thinker understands we need both.

康德是一位真正文如其人的思想家。Kant is a true thinker who lived his philosophy.

你是个善于创造性思考的人。You are an excellent outside-of-the-box thinker.

埃克博是一位设计师,也是一位思想家。Garrett Eckbo was a designer, and a thinker also.

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他并不像孔子那样作为伟大的思想家而闻名于世。He isn't known as a great thinker like Confucius.

这是著名的思想家哈利.爱默生.福斯迪克所说的话。These are the words of the well-known thinker Dr.

怪不得你是这么优秀的销售呢!You are an excellent "outside-of-the-box" thinker.

戴震是十八世纪中国杰出的思想家。Dai Zhen was a famous thinker in the 18th of China.

教授是该领域的,明星级领头思想家。Taught by a star who was a leader thinker in this area.

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冯桂芬是中国近代史上一位伟大的思想家。Feng Guifen was a great thinker in modern China history.

李贽,晚明时期的启蒙思想家。Li Zhi was an enlightening thinker at later Ming Dynasty.

该书的最后说“有哪个思想家遭打如此歪曲?”It ends with the words, "Was ever a thinker so travestied?"