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不仅是索尔。It was not only Sol.

“索尔是一个真男人,”温格说。"Sol is a strong man, " said Wenger.

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“先告诉我好消息”Sol说。"Gimme the good news first, " says Sol.

应用溶胶凝胶方法制备了YSZ薄膜。YSZ films are prepared by sol gel method.

阳光照耀着万物。Omnia sol temperat The sun warms everything.

然而,在和Sol第一次约会之后,我没有恋爱的感觉。But after my first date with Sol I did not feel that way.

胶体电解质当被注入时处于稀释性溶胶状态。The gel electrolyte is in dilute sol state when being injected.

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索马利亚古巴海滩旅馆儿童免费。现在预定!Kids free at All Inclusive Sol Meliá Cuba beach hotels. Book now!

溶胶—凝胶法是制备薄膜的一种独特的方法。Making sol -gel is a special method fo rm anufacturing thin film.

这次我们呆在旧金山湾的德尔索尔旅馆。This time around we’re staying at the Hotel Del Sol in the Marina.

麻省理工学院中级应用微观经济学学习资料。Study Materials of Intermediate Applied Microeconomics sugar sugg sol.

那些陪审员在太阳徽酒店里呆着,东拉西扯地谈了一会儿。For some little time the Jurymen hang about the Sol 's Ams colloquially.

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我七岁的时候,我的朋友苏尔被闪电击中死去了。Manini NayarWhen I was seven, my friend Sol was hit by lightning and died.

这边是爸爸和两头奶牛,这边是索尔弯腰驼背坐在早餐桌前。Here was father with two cows. Here was Sol hunched over the breakfast table.

一会儿是爸爸牵着两头奶牛,一会儿是索尔俯身面向餐桌。Here was Sol hunched over the breakfast table. The pictures eddied and rushed.

胶凝速率取决于溶胶的电化学性质。The gelling rate is determined by the electro-chemical characteristics of the sol.

索尔•坎贝尔,劳伦和诺艾•帕马洛特将出现在斯坦福桥的比赛中。Sol Campbell, Lauren and Noe Pamarot are all in line to feature at Stamford Bridge.

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我心里直犯怵,坚信这可能会是我最后一次看见我的朋友索尔了。I cringed, convinced that this would be the last time I would ever see my friend Sol.

同时对硅溶胶的研究和开发前景进行了展望。Meanwhile, the prospects for manufacture and research of silica sol are also forecast.

采用等离子喷涂液相溶胶制备了氧化锆纳米结构涂层。A nanostructured zirconia coatings was elaborated by plasma spray liquid precursor sol.