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而宏观量与微观量之间。Between the macroscopic and the microscopic.

微观粒子有波动性。Microscopic "particles" have wave properties.

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第三章进行微观因素分析。The third chapter is the microscopic analysis.

这些微型马达能以每分钟10万转的转速运行。These microscopic motors can run at 100,000 rpm.

那么,同样的,我们可以运用我们微观模型。So, again, we can still use our microscopic model.

这是支气管扩张的表现。This is the microscopic aearance of bronchiectasis.

纤维腺瘤的显微外观。Here is the microscopic appearance of a fibroadenoma.

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这是支气管扩张的表现。This is the microscopic appearance of bronchiectasis.

镜下示平滑肌肉瘤的特点。Here is the microscopic appearance of a leiomyosarcoma.

桡脚类动物是虾和龙虾的亲戚关系在显微镜下。Copepods are microscopic relatives of shrimp and lobsters.

腰鞭毛虫是细微的单细胞生物。Dinoflagellates are microscopic single – celled organisms.

幽门螺杆菌的扫描电镜照片。A scanning electron microscopic image of Helicobacter pylori

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受到破坏的石棉可能会向空气中释放微细纤维。Disturbing asbestos can release microscopic fibers to the air.

通宏、微两极观之,整个宇宙存在都是“圆”的。In macroscopic and microscopic views the whole cosmos is round.

蒙药蓍草的显微鉴别研究。Microscopic Identification of Mongolian Drug Achillea alpina L.

岩性学对岩石的微观研究、描绘和分类。The microscopic study, description, and classification of rock.

这个极微小的双人舞肉眼是看不到的。The microscopic pas de deux isn't even visible to the naked eye.

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是植物用来排出体内多余水份的特化分泌结构。A water-excreting microscopic epidermal structure in many plants.

细胞存活率只能以显微镜观察纪录下来。The cell viability is recorded only with microscopic observation.

软骨肉瘤的低倍镜外观。This is the low power microscopic appearance of a chondrosarcoma.