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伍尔弗汉普顿工厂2008年销售额约为1亿美元。Wolverhampton sales for the calendar year 2008 were approximately $100 million.

伍尔弗汉普顿的产品线将补充穆格公司的飞机控制部门。The Wolverhampton product line would be complementary to Moog's Aircraft Controls Segment.

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2004年的一天夜里,我发现自己身处伍尔弗汉普顿一个脏乱的旅店里的前台。One night in 2004, I found myself at the reception desk of a filthy hotel in Wolverhampton.

“希丁克是我的朋友,”在今天主场对狼队的比赛前说到。"Guus Hiddink is my friend, " he said before today's game at home to Wolverhampton Wanderers.

利物浦U18将在主场和狼队的比赛中开始他们的青年足总杯荣耀征程。Liverpool U18s will start their quest for FA Youth Cup glory at home to Wolverhampton Wanderers.

曼联在联赛杯第三轮的比赛里抽中了狼队。United have been drawn at home to Wolverhampton Wanderers in the third round of the Carling Cup.

现在,法希姆却成了这家南部海岸俱乐部的一个小角色,朴茨茅斯上周六在与狼队的比赛中收获了赛季第一场胜利,但仍在英超垫底。Premier League despite winning their first game of the season at Wolverhampton Wanderers last Saturday.

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当天其他比赛斯托克城出战埃弗顿,狼队做客朴茨茅斯。In the day's other matches Stoke City entertain Everton and Wolverhampton Wanderers travel to Portsmouth.

战罢阿森纳之后,利物浦将会碰到维甘、朴斯茅斯和狼队。Following the visit of Arsenal, Liverpool will take on Wigan Athletic, Portsmouth and Wolverhampton Wanderers.

相反,球队的注意力集中在本周末主场对狼队的比赛——这是他们12天里的第2场比赛。Instead, the focus is on Wolverhampton Wanderers' visit to Old Trafford – their second in 12 days – on Saturday.

同时,库什萨克也将在周三的联赛杯上得到出场机会。Tomasz Kuszczak, meanwhile, is expected to receive a run-out against Wolverhampton Wanderers in the Carling Cup tomorrow night.

排名第二的曼城要到周日才打比赛,卫冕冠军可以在主场面对狼队时扩大优势。With second-placed Manchester City not playing until Sunday, the champions can widen the gap as they host Wolverhampton Wanderers.

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伍尔弗汉普顿的埃德娜·理查德说,她是女王的坚定拥护者,女王总是把日程安排得很满,这一点让她十分钦佩。Edna Richards of Wolverhampton said she was a firm supporter of the monarchy, and admired the queen for maintaining a busy schedule.

节礼日战胜狼队重新尝到英超胜利的滋味的利物浦做客维拉公园。Liverpool head to Villa Park after returning to winning ways in the Barclays Premier League with the Boxing Day victory over Wolverhampton Wanderers.

伍尔弗汉普顿工厂设计和制造第一和第二飞行控制驱动,用于一批商业和军事项目。The Wolverhampton operation designs and manufactures primary and secondary flight control actuation for a number of commercial and military programs.

新帅曼奇尼全力把握住了机会,拿下斯托克城、狼队和布莱克本。The new manager Roberto Mancini made the most of the opportunity and racked up victories over Stoke City, Wolverhampton Wanderers and Blackburn Rovers.

拉法-贝尼特斯呼吁他们的球员以节礼日狼队的胜利为基础击碎阿斯顿维拉差的英超第四的野心。Rafael Benitez today called on his players to build on their Boxing Day victory over Wolverhampton Wanderers by denting Aston Villa's top four ambitions.

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吉格斯和弗莱彻都可以出战狼队,但纳尼能不能打城市德比都是问题。Ryan Giggs and Darren Fletcher could run out against Wolverhampton Wanderers on Saturday, but Nani is facing a battle to be fit for the Manchester derby.

卢卡斯决心帮助利物浦向球迷提供一份完美的圣诞礼物-在狼队身上全取三分。Lucas Leiva has spoken of his determination to help provide Liverpool fans with the perfect Christmas gift – three points against Wolverhampton Wanderers.

曾效力于热刺,狼队和南安普顿的后卫丁理查德森死于36岁。死因是一次械斗所引起的重伤。LONDON, Former Tottenham Hotspur, Wolverhampton Wanderers and Southampton defender Dean Richards has died aged 36 after a long battle with a serious illness.