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计划陷于停顿。The scheme bogged down.

这样的方案是行得通的.Such a scheme is workable.

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那是一个可行的方案。That is a feasible scheme.

我有一个发财快的计谋。I have a get-rich-quick scheme.

然后要做个插值方案。And then an interpolation scheme.

配色方案保持一致。Keep the color scheme consistent.

敌人的计谋破产了。The enemy's scheme went bankrupt.

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快速致富计划的广告?An ad for a get-rich quick scheme?

汉字编码方法。Code scheme for Chinese character.

安利是一个非法传销。Amway is an illegal pyramid scheme.

起初,这一方案似能运作。At first the scheme seemed to work.

曹刚的方案也得到了李彪的支持。Cao scheme also got LiBiao support.

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二人计议已定。The two of them settled on a scheme.

该计划正在商酌中。The scheme is now under deliberation.

下面是一个三色的方案Here’s one possible three-color scheme

我会使我的计划适应你的计划。I will accommodate my scheme to yours.

基于ID的代理盲签名方案。ID-based proxy blind signature scheme.

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我记得他曾经反对该计画。I remember his objecting to the scheme.

选择了一种速度开环的控制方案。An open-loop control scheme is selected.

这种新的混合策略被称为GASA算法。This novel hybrid scheme is called GASA.