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同年,费尔南迪斯发现冈比亚河。That same year, phil south diss found Gambia river.

记得离开冈比亚时,有人问我,“你去哪里?”I remember leaving Gambia and people ask me, “Where are you going?

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不像冈比亚和象牙海岸城,马里是一个没有港口的非沿海城市。Mali is not a coastal country with ports like Ivory Coast and Gambia.

在冈比亚,11名记者在2006年被判长期徒刑。In Gambia 11 journalists have been jailed for extended periods in 2006.

亚姆凯比尔王菲,这里在2009年,阿拉伯语教学在冈比亚学生。Maryam Kabeer Faye, here in 2009, teaching Arabic to students in Gambia.

旨在评估冈比亚基础和紧急外科处理的资源。To assess the resources for essential and emergency surgical care in the Gambia.

贾梅还威胁要“砍下在冈比亚被抓到的同性恋者的头颅”。" Jammeh has also threatened to "in the Gambia had been captured the head of homosexuals.

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在提高女教师的整体数量方面,冈比亚也取得了明显的成就。Gambia has also had measurable success in bolstering the overall number of female instructors.

世界卫生组织提出要帮助冈比亚评估总统的疗法的安全性、有效性和质量。The WHO offered to help The Gambia assess the safety, efficacy and quality of the proposed treatment.

为了更好地理解我所学的课程里的理论,我参加了在萨内加尔和加蓬的一个月长的讲座。To better understand the theories I was studying in my courses, I attended a monthlong seminar in Senegal and Gambia.

世界上共有12个国家在开展此类经济交易时需要获得政府批准,冈比亚就是其中之一。The Gambia is one of the 12 countries in the world where government approval is required for such economic transactions.

这些经纪人告诉他们,在这会很容易找到工作,能为他们远在冈比亚的家人挣到成千上万的美刀,而在家乡,他们不会有更好的选择。The brokers told them it would be easy to find work and make thousands of dollars to send back to their families in Gambia.

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她找到了一位有意向的买主,但要在冈比亚转让财产,必须要获得政府部委审批,而且耗时可能长达一年。She has an interested buyer, but transferring property in The Gambia requires ministerial consent and can take up to a year.

这个人为“河”和“吉他”推荐了这些字,因此哈利想他的祖先一定从冈比亚来。This person recognized the words for "river" and "guitar", and so Haley thought that his ancestor must have come from Gambia.

这个人认出了表示“江”和“吉他”的这两个词,于是哈利就认为他的祖先准是来自冈比亚。This person recognized the words for "river" and "guitar, " and so Haley thought that his ancestor must have come from Gambia.

卡蒂姆解释说,这种行为在冈比亚司空见惯,女人们加倍努力地工作来补偿她们的另一半。Katim explained that this kind of behaviour is de rigueur in Gambia. Women work twice as hard to compensate for their other halves.

美国对正在冈比亚进行的权力和平交接表示欢迎,并祝贺巴罗总统就职。The United States welcomes the on-going peaceful transition of power in The Gambia and congratulates President Barrow on his inauguration.

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这项研究关注到了西非的冈比亚和科特迪瓦的一些问题,在近几年类似问题变得非常严峻。This research examined problems in Gambia and Cote d’Ivoire inWestern Africa, where problems of this nature have been severe inrecent years.

周边环境,极为优美,有天海一线的海滩,亦聚居了不同品种雀鸟,是欧美人士渡假胜地。The surrounding environment of Gambia is extremely beautiful, the sea melted into the sky with variety of birds. It is a good place for holidays.

保护记者委员会说,如今,埃塞俄比亚、冈比亚和刚果民主共和国的新闻记者遭到监禁、袭击和审查,而这些方面的情况仅几年前还远不如今天这么严重。Journalists in Ethiopia, Gambia and the DRC are being jailed, attacked and censored -- conditions that are far worse that only a few years ago, CPJ said.