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谁叫她们不到白利屯往。They must all go to Brighton.

王室亭阁。Brighton Royal Pavilion, Brighton.

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布赖顿是著名的海滨胜地。Brighton is a famous seaside resort.

开往布来顿的火车在这里停吗?Does the train for Brighton stop here?

一次周末我们来到布莱顿。One weekend, we took a trip to Brighton.

这就是我那天在布赖顿所看到的。That is what I saw that day in Brighton.

布赖顿是南部地区最着名的海滨胜地。Brighton is a leading south coast resort.

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他们俩是从白利屯逃走的。They are gone off together from Brighton.

我把钱存在布赖顿房屋建筑协会里。I save with the Brighton Building Society.

“朱格斯”是布莱顿民间的俚语。“Jugs” was the Lewes slang for Brighton folk.

甚至在英国南部的布赖顿也出现了降雪。Even Brighton on the south coast got a dusting.

他们离开白利屯还不到一个星期。It is not quite a week since they left Brighton.

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辛格赞扬Lane的表演就是布莱顿。Singh raves about Lane's performance as Brighton.

我认为渤恩慕是一个比布莱顿好得多的城市。I think Bourn mouths a much nicer town than Brighton.

因此有一天我被送进布赖顿的公立学校。So one day I was put into a public school in Brighton.

渤恩慕是一个比布莱顿好得多的城市。I think Bournemouth 's a much nicer town than Brighton.

他们一同在布赖顿的一个小公寓里建立了家庭。They set up house together in a small flat in Brighton.

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是夜去班诺克本我们经由不赖顿码头。The night we went to Bannockburn by way of Brighton Pier.

我在布赖顿的时候,曾去听过音乐会中首席女歌手的歌唱。When I was in Brighton I once went to hear some Prima Donna.

现在我正为参加从伦敦开到布莱顿的比赛作准备。I'm getting the car ready for the London to Brighton race now.