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他是学校的管理者。He was the Superintendent.

后来又当上了江汉关监督。Later he became a river superintendent.

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督学阔步高视地走进校园。The superintendent swaggered into the schoolyard.

“他非常地抱歉,”警官丹尼尔·谢安说。"He was very apologetic, " Superintendent Daniel Shean said.

有一次,一位督学去视察一个只有三间教室的学校。Once a superintendent of schools was visiting athree-room school.

有一次,一位督学去视察一个只有三间教室的学校。Once a superintendent of schools was visiting a three-room school.

陈肇隆教授接任第三任高雄长庚医院院长。Professor Chao-Long Chen was appointed the 3rd Superintendent of KCGMH.

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这个颜色是于1815年的秋天被校长Patridge采用的。This color was introduced by Superintendent Patridge in the Fall of 1815.

奥德在他所在的奥登镇是一位非常受人尊敬的前任校长。Ode was a highly respected former superintendent in his little town of Oden.

罗伯特真正的父亲,也就是那个“穷爸爸”是夏威夷州教育系统的总督学。Robert's real dad was the superintendent of education for the state of Hawaii.

到处都传说诺顿先生将出任新督监。There is a rumor going the rounds that Mr Wonton will be the new superintendent.

留尿过程中必须有一名同性别的监督人陪同。A superintendent of the same sex will accompany you when taking the urine sample.

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我见到了疯人院的医生了,我把埃法尔的病症告诉了他。I saw the superintendent of the asylum , and I was telling him about Ivar's symptoms.

美国内战期间,为联邦军队服务的女护士主管人是多罗西亚,迪克斯。The superintendent of women nurse for the Union Army during the Civil War Dorothea Dix.

我猜公寓管理员最终会让她进斯黛安房间看看的。I expect it’s thebuilding superintendent who will let Diana’s coworker into the apartment.

课堂是司晋督警训的主渠道。Class education is the main method of promotion training from superintendent to supervisor.

“我要公平对待我的员工,”希尔斯伯勒县主管人员玛丽•艾伦•埃利亚解释说。“I want to be fair to my employees,” explains Mary Ellen Elia, Hillsborough’s superintendent.

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即使尼克松的老板阿布维尔县督学埃文·伦道夫对这种做法也表示不安。Even Nixon's boss, Abbeville County superintendent Ivan Randolph, is unsettled by the practice.

1853年,安德鲁·卡内基遇到了宾夕法尼亚州铁路的一位年轻主管托马斯·斯科特。In 1853, Andrew Carnegie met Thomas Scott, a young superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad.

津巴多自己也希望参与到实验中去,并且自己任命自己为监狱总监。Zimbardo himself decided that he wanted to play too, and elected himself Prison Superintendent.