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吊球是垫球的一种。A lob is part of the set up.

这以后,我不敢再向汽车扔这么多橡果了。After that, I didn't lob so many acorns at cars.

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想办法将球挡回去,低一点就好,或再回击一个吊高球往他的反拍方向。Try to punch it low or hit another lob towards the backhand.

第一次,翠喜儿完美的抛球让姚明轻松完成扣篮。Once, Tracy McGrady threw a perfect lob to Yao Ming for a dunk.

安猪在第四节接到了武贾西奇的一个妙传然后大力灌框。Bynum caught a lob pass from Vujacic that he converted into a dunk in the fourth.

在羽毛球社,这个我校第一个社团中,同学们以球会友,以球交情。Lob In this school, badminton first club, the students with the ball, and friendship.

但是就算我打出一个难看的球,比如打到拍柄形成一个过顶制胜球,我也会接受。But if I hit it ugly, too, and I shank it and it goes up for a lob winner, I take that too, you know.

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在这个被称作“小白宫”的别墅里,陪他打球的是当年教父级的高球球员帕尔玛。Known as the "small White House" villa, the ball is in his paternity godfather class lob players Palma.

这么说,如果某个问题球员并没有精神病治疗史,就可以朝他扔瓶子了么?So it's okay to lob a water bottle if the player in question doesn't have a history of psychiatric care?

所有猫在实验完毕后行大脑灌注,取其外侧膝状体进行其细胞横截面积测量。All above cats were perfused after the experiment and the LOB were dissected for morphologically analysis.

大和号重70,000,0吨,配有19门18英寸的火炮,可将炮弹射出25英里远。Weighing 70, 000 tons, the Yamato was fitted with nine 18-inch guns that could lob an explosive shell 25 miles.

他有时上来为后卫作掩护,然后转身向内线跑去,希望后卫能快速给他吊球。He occasionally sets a drag screen for the guard but even then he heads right to the paint afterward hoping for the quick lob.

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“我们去时时乐餐厅,让他大吃了一顿牛排和龙虾,”弗朗兹回忆道,“接着我们驶回沙尔顿市。”"We went to a Sizzler, where I filled him up with steak and lob ster, " Franz recalls, "and then we drove back to Salton City.

将被用于此次发射的阿特拉斯5型火箭的特殊版本在之前一次飞行中使用过,用于发射美国宇航局的火星探测器“好奇号”。The specific version of the Atlas 5 being used on this launch has been flown once before, to lob NASA's Curiosity roverto Mars.

这种强硬的语气来自于回答参议院一连串问题的102页文件中,而参议院对北京怀有诡吊的敌意。The tough language came in a 102-page document answering numerous questions from senators—an odd place from which to lob a bombshell at Beijing.

北越军队整晚一直在扔手榴弹,在洞里引爆炸药,希望把突击队员逼出来。Throughout the night the North Vietnamese troops lob grenades and set off high explosive rounds in the hole hoping to force out the green berets.

很多初学者挑高球时太早打开拍面,所以当你看见对手拍面打开,得到一个挑高球的预判。The third clue, a lot of beginners hits this way too early, they open their racquet so early. When you see the open racquet face, you predict a lob.

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有趣的是,作为安全装置,我得到了一个智能钥匙扣型的小发射器,上面有一组数字,每几秒钟变化一次。It is interesting that, as a security device, I was given a small transmitter which is a key chain lob and this has a number which changes every few seconds.

欧文表扬了年轻人的射门,他刁钻的射门迫使罗伯托。阿邦丹楔利狼狈的作出了杰出的的扑救。Owen paid tribute to a performance in which the youngster scored, hit the post and forced an outstanding save from Roberto Abbondanzieri with an audacious lob.

第26分钟,阿里克斯斯克特面对出击的门将一记精确制导的挑射入空门让三狮军团取得领先。Alex Scott gave the Three Lions the lead after 26 minutes with a superbly guided finish to lob the ball over the onrushing Ulrike Schmetz and into the empty net.