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我是黛博拉的朋友布里。I'm Deborah's friend Bree.

“是的,”布里说,“我只配作奴隶。"Yes, " said Bree. "Slavery is all I'm fit for.

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贝拉这样的新生儿和布里这样的新生儿永远是不同的。Bella was never a newborn like Bree was a newborn.

“这是打开城门的号角声,”布里说道,“咱们一会儿就到那儿了。"That's the horns blowing for the city gates to be open, " said Bree.

“嗯,”布里说道,”啊,那倒是个真正难以发音的名字。"H'm, " said Bree. "Well, now, there's a name that's really hard to pronounce.

布瑞必须格外用心的呵护自己的新爱人,查克万斯警探。And Bree must be especially careful around her new love, Detective Chuck Vance.

与此同时,Bree为了平衡家庭与事业,开始感到压力增大。Meanwhile, Bree begins to feel the pressures of balancing marriage and a career.

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这碗面的汤汁是用老汤调制的,味道鲜美醇厚。The soup in this bowl of noodles is made of bree. It tastes thick and delicious.

互相问候过健康和睡得好不好后,阿拉维斯说道,“可布里在哪儿呢?”"But where's Bree?" said Aravis when each had asked after the other's health and sleep.

甚至训练已经结束了,布里还是说他坐在马鞍子上像一袋面粉。Even at the end of his training Bree still said he sat like a bag of flour in the saddle.

布里立刻转过身来,开始重新向内陆奔驰,尽其所能地迅速奔驰。Instantly Bree swerved round and began galloping inland again as fast as he could gallop.

世界的第一架喷气式飞机的概念动力巡航导弹最初由飞行高级工程师布雷。The concept of the world's first jet-powered cruise missile was originated by Flight Staff Engineer Bree.

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是的,bree害怕很多东西,但是唯独挑战,是她所不畏惧的。Yes, Bree was afraid of many things. But if there was one thing she wasn’t afraid of, it was a challenge.

但布里无意让所有的人都知道它能说人话,它站在那儿,看上去愚蠢得像匹最愚蠢的马儿。But Bree had no intention of letting all the crowd know that he could talk, and stood looking just as stupid as a horse can.

在第八季中,卡洛斯杀死妻子邪恶的继父和主妇们帮助掩藏尸体这件事对大家产生了深远影响。For Season Eight, Carlos's murder of Gaby's evil stepfather and the cover up by Susan, Gaby, Bree and Lynette has far reaching effects.

“以你这般年龄,是很难搞明白的,”布里说,“我离开纳尼亚时,只不过是匹未满一岁的小驹子,所以我自己也搞不大明白。”"Well, you'd hardly understand that at your age, " said Bree. "And I was only a little foal when I left so I don't quite fully understand it myself.

因为布里是唯一一个贝拉看到的新生儿吸血鬼,布里的视角是第一个吸引到我并让我开始思考这个故事背后隐含着何种情节。Because Bree is the only newborn Bella sees, Brees was the perspective that I first gravitated toward as I considered what was going on behind the scenes.

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“人们就是这样夸口的,”布里说道,“然而,你要叫两百人马的连队统统喝足水、吃饱饭、配备武器、上好鞍子,在一分钟内一齐出发,那可是办不到的。"That's how humans talk, " said Bree. "But you don't get a company of two hundred horse and horsemen watered and victualled and armed and saddled and started all in a minute.