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你可以看到他们脸上的彩虹色。You can see the iridescence on their faces.

彩虹色斑点是近年来发现存在于肉及肉制品中的一种非正常颜色。Iridescence was considered as a special color on meat and meat products.

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柔和闪亮的金色,光照时带绿色虹光。Soft shimmery semi-sheer gold with a green iridescence when the light hits it.

直至今日,人们还在对许多种果蝇和黄蜂翅膀上时刻变幻的彩虹色熟视无睹。Until now, the wing colors of many flies and wasps were dismissed as random iridescence.

这叫做临界入射幻彩,是由于光的衍射形成的。This is known as a grazing iridescence and is brought about because of light diffraction.

不过,研究员发现,甲壳质的表面变化把彩虹色过滤掉。Instead, the researchers found that surface variations in chitinfiltered out the iridescence.

阳光或月光穿过薄薄的云层就会形成虹彩。When sunlight or moonlight passes through a layer of thin clouds, the result can be iridescence.

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结合现代光学理论,分析了鲍贝壳具有独特晕彩的原因。Based on the theory of modern optics, the origin of the unique iridescence of abalone shell is analyzed.

第四章中,我们研究了鸽子颈部绿色和紫色羽毛的虹彩现象。In the fourth chapter, we studied the iridescence phenomena of the green and purple feathers on the neck of pigeon.

不过,一天幸运之神降临,他捡到了一块彩虹色的石头,它是可以让他的任何愿望成真。However, one day of lucky god arrives, he picked a color iridescence stone, it was may let his any desire become really.

他日益感到自己象一个充满黑色的泡沫,四周缠绕着自身意识的彩虹。For day by day he felt more and more like a bubble filled with darkness, round which whirled the iridescence of his consciousness.

鲍贝壳作为一种有机宝石,具有美丽而独特的晕彩,鲍贝还能用来生产具有同样晕彩的贝附珍珠。Abalone shell, as a kind of organic gemstone material, shows the beautiful and unique iridescence. Abalone can be used to produce blister pearl.

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「壶中-日本现代建筑之美」却非如此,片中谈论了建筑的光影、形状和色彩之灿烂,丰沛的概念并列陈述。That KOCHUU does nothing of the kind speaks to the iridescence of its light, shapes and colors, as well as its profusion and juxtaposition of ideas.

蓝色大闪蝶翅膀上的细微层状结构会以不同角度反射光线,从而呈现出彩虹一般的干涉图样来。Tiny layers in the wing scales of blue morpho butterflies reflect light at multiple angles, leading to the interference patterns we see as iridescence.

许多云刚开始时,常有一些均匀且可以发生彩云的区域,不过很快地它就变得太厚,混合过度,或离太阳太远,以至于无法呈现这种鲜明的色彩。Many clouds start with uniform regions that could show iridescence but quickly become too thick, too mixed, or too far from the Sun to exhibit striking colors.

如果空气是有颜色的,星期一粉色,星期二蓝色,星期三绿色,星期四紫色,星期五橙色,星期六黄色,星期日彩虹色,那么请问你喜欢星期几呢?If the air has colours----pink on Monday, blue on Tuesday, green on Wednesday, purple on Thursday, orange on Friday, yellow on Saturday, iridescence on Sunday, then which day do you like?