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这形成了一个阿特金森基础周期的混合电力传动系统。This forms the basis of an Atkinson-cycle-based hybrid electric drivetrain.

目前他们研制的风叶和传动系统分别在荷兰和挪威接受测试。The blades are now being tested in the Netherlands, and the drivetrain in Norway.

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近期的发动机及驱动系统的进步已经提到了标准尺寸车辆的效率。Recent engine and drivetrain advances have improved the efficiency of standard-size vehicles.

由于频谱分析仪,它提供了运营商,传动系统振动的转子和一个概述。As a spectrum analyzer, it provides the operator with an overview of rotor and drivetrain vibration.

横装在车前引擎盖下的动力传动系统可以从静止开始释放出其最大的推力。Mounted transversely under the Mini E's bonnet, the drivetrain unleashes its full thrust from standstill.

宝马i3配备的是纯电力的动力系统,宝马i3在一次充满电的情形下,最远可行驶140英里。The BMW i3 will feature a fully electric drivetrain with an extended range of up to 140 miles per charge.

内嵌,超高效双带特点传动系统过大皮带轮与优化1.7内部的比例。The inline, super-efficient twin-belt drivetrain features oversized pulleys with optimum 1.7 internal ratio.

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该b44雇用了淬火钢CVA的传动系与减轻了球差无比的加速度。The B44 employs a hardened steel CVA drivetrain with lightened ball differentials for unparalleled acceleration.

哈雷戴维森推出FLT车型,装有具有减震作用的橡胶隔离发动机支座及独特的拖曳式前叉。Harley-Davidson debuts the FLT with its vibration dampening, rubber-isolated drivetrain and unique trailing front fork.

当然,我们关注更多的除了其醒目的碳纤维结构,还包括它非常有趣的无链传动动力系统。What we're more interested in is the carbon fiber construction, but we also found the chainless drivetrain interesting.

对无级变速器速比的取值范围进行了计算,并按照质量集中法简化了传动系的模型。The range of CVT ratio has been calculated and the drivetrain model has been simplified according to lumped mass method.

目的是为了在1915年利用三速设计方案进一步改善动力传动系统功能。Harley, it was effective but discontinued in order to further improve drivetrain function in 1915 with a three-speed design.

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鉴于宝马正在计划制造前轮驱动汽车,因此已经生产出一辆这种动力汽车完全有可能。Such a drivetrain isn't beyond the realm of possibility for a production car now that BMW is planning front-wheel drive cars.

为增加传动的耐久性和延长时间之间的维修和重建。完美的高输出26s引擎!For increased drivetrain durability and extended time between maintenance and rebuilds . Perfect for the high output 26S Engine!

从齿轮到车轮螺母,这是最有效和最强大的传动系统可在电动巡回赛车今天!From the spur gear to the wheel nuts, this is the most efficient and powerful drivetrain available in electric touring car racing today!

我们能可靠地假设,新传动系统将包括具有更多后轮偏置改进版的四轮驱动系统,这将会完善新发动机的布局。We can safely assume the new drivetrain will include Audi's revised Quattro with more rear wheel bias, which will complement the new engine placement.

风叶直接与动力传动系统连接,甩掉了包括变速箱在内的许多传动部件,后者往往容易产生断裂事故或造成能量损失。The blades will attach to a drivetrain that does away with many of the moving parts, including the gearbox, that are prone to breakage and energy loss.

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该股是加上自动变速箱和电控四轮驱动动力源自欧蓝德模型。The unit is coupled with an automated manual transmission and an electrically controlled four- wheel drive drivetrain derived from the Outlander model.

高亮度底面的受保护的装甲镶板的传动系统和对象的乘客从岩石和其他潜在的破坏性。The underside of the HB is protected by armored paneling which protects the drivetrain and passengers from rocks and other potentially damaging objects.

本文介绍一种由著者首次提出的齿轮加工机床传动链动态精度检测的新方法—QL系统。The paper introduces a new method-QL system suggested for the first time by the author for measuring dynamic accuracy of gear cutting machine drivetrain.