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图中每一个触手大约两毫米长。Each tentacle is about two millimeters long.

玻璃窗里的高调,触手碰不到的温度。Glazing of high-profile, tentacle didn't touch the temperature.

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在右侧,您将会看到一个触手缠绕其齿轮。To the right you will see gears with a tentacle wrapped around them.

从来都不喜欢回忆,大片大片的忧伤情绪,触手冰凉。I don't like memories, large tracts of the feelings of sadness, tentacle.

喜欢这种吃法的热衷者曾经因为被章鱼的触手卡在嗓子中而被送往医院接受治疗。Enthusiasts have been hospitalized after a wiggling tentacle lodged in the throat.

科学家们同时也发现了一条触角,他们相信这是一只有一英尺长的水母的触角。Scientists also pulled up a tentacle they believe came from a foot-long jellyfish.

大个子苍蝇,即使没被粘性触须粘上多少,也受伤了,在竭力挣扎,为自由而奋斗。If a gluey tentacle grabs too little of a big fly, the bug may suffer injury but still struggle to freedom.

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世界上有大约2000种的水母,有的可口美味,有的则轻轻一碰就能致你于死地。There are some 2, 000 species of jellyfish. Some are tasty, others will kill you with the tap of a tentacle.

随着一声叹息,他举起右手上的一根触须擦拭眼睛,却发现了一颗泪滴。With a sigh, he lifted one of the tentacle fingers on his right hand to his eye and discovered a tear forming.

洪堡鱿鱼的每只触角上都长着布满了尖牙的吸管,可以将猎物轻松地拉近自己的嘴里。Each tentacle is covered with suckers filled with razor sharp teeth which they use to drag their prey to their beaks.

触手腔食物泡残骸逐渐贮存于触手腔顶端,待顶端衰老死亡组织破裂时喷出体外。The debris of food was piled up on the top of tentacle cavity and was evacuated when the top tissue aged and cracked.

一般来说只会将面孔变成一种难看的橘黄色,不过也有两个人全身长出了触角般的肉瘤。Mostly you just turn a fairly unpleasant orange color, but a couple of people have also sprouted tentacle like warts all over their bodies.

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这一僵局意味着这些权证还会在政府手中停留更长时间,令银行仍在财政部的势力范围.The standoff means the warrants may remain in government hands for a while longer -- leaving the banks ensnared within a Treasury Department tentacle.

一旦被它抓住,每个触须就会卷曲和延伸。象少突细胞挤压细胞质那样直到变成一张象玻璃纸那样薄的隔膜。Once they seize hold, each tentacle begins to curl and extend, as the oligo squeezes the cytoplasm out of itself until only a cellophane-like sheet of membrane remains.

绰号海洋中的黄蜂,咸水碗状水母有60条15英尺长的触须,每条触须上有5000个毒刺细胞,足够杀死60个人。Also known as the sea wasp, this salad-bowl sized jellyfish can have up to 60 tentacles each 15 feet long. Each tentacle has 5,000 stinging cells and enough toxin to kill 60 humans.

首次观察到成熟腺毛头部为具有独特的内突生长的传递细胞,细胞为圆球形,细胞质稠密,细胞核大,内质网发达,液泡较小,细胞壁厚。We first observed that the head ofmature tentacle contained transfer cells which were pellet shape, thickness cytoplast, large nucleolus, developing endoplasm, small vacuole and thick cell wall.