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丢失军旗和鹰旗,所带来的耻辱,也变的同样重大起来。The ignominy of losing your standard, your eagle standard, became equally great.

一旦他们被抓住,她就会名誉扫地,被很不光彩地撤职开除。If they were caught, she would be thrown out in disgrace, dismissed with ignominy.

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他一定会想办法遮盖住他的样子,把这种丑行藏起来的。He can certainly try to find solution to cover his appearance, hides this kind of ignominy.

你们再也不用忍受外出在公共场合没办法擤鼻涕的耻辱了。Never again willyou endure the ignominy of being out in public with no way to blow yournose.

设计这样一个用铁和木制成的家伙显然极尽羞辱之能事。The very ideal of ignominy was embodied and made manifest in this contrivance of wood and iron.

她们作的这个捆绑的准备,以及这里面包含的新添加的耻辱,使我的激愤心情稍稍平静了一些。This preparation for bonds, and the additional ignominy it inferred, took a little of the excitement out of me.

日本、加拿大和澳大利亚等国都经历过从最高评级被下调的耻辱。Japan, Canada and Australia, among others, have suffered the ignominy of being downgraded from top credit ratings.

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在现在的环境下,更好的技术也能把教师们从被解职和显得多余的屈辱感中解救出来。And in the current climate, better mechanics could also spare teachers from dismissal or the ignominy of the excess pool.

出离愤怒的摩卡无法忍受这样的耻辱,她向天灵之父发誓,只要自己还有一口气在,就不会让哪怕一个兽人戴上脚镣。Mokka was enraged by this ignominy and vowed to Father Sky that no Orc would wear chains while she had breath in her lungs.

意大利就曾利用日元计价的相关交易一次性对其经济加以粉饰,从而避免了被排除在欧元区之外的尴尬。Italy used a yen-denominated swap to give its finances a one-time puff and avoid the ignominy of failing to qualify for the euro.

在另一方面,一个眼光远大的寡妇如果有一个五岁的好儿子,便能够忍受多年的痛苦、耻辱,甚至于虐待和迫害。On the other hand, a farsighted widow is able to endure years of misery and ignominy and even persecution, if she has a good boy of five.

而且,她觉得亏负味丝搭的地方很多,至少须有一种长久快乐的生活方才弥补得她的出身的不名誉。Again, she had always felt that she owed Vesta so much—at least a long and happy life to make up to her for the ignominy of her birth and rearing.

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贝克汉姆在1998年世界杯上由于和阿根廷的冲突被罚下场。Beckam, who faced his own moment of ignominy when he was sent off in England's clash with Argentina in the 1998 World Cup, may be pleased to hear it.

美国大兵们,千万不要听五角大楼的鬼话,说黄海之行就是一次旅行,伟大的中国人民永远不会忘记从这里开始的民族屈辱史。American soldiers, don't listen to the pentagon, says yellow sea trip is just a journey, the great Chinese people will never forget the national ignominy from here.

当然了,她的愤怒有一部分来自被三个战斗机器人背回穿梭艇舱内的耻辱,而穿梭艇已成了一辆破破烂烂的通勤班车。Of course, part of her anger was the ignominy of being carried back to the compound in the shuttle by three Battloids, like some kind of broken-down commuter craft.

达伽兹是今天最出名的伏尔加一系列的汽车,和达伽兹m21是首次进行的名称。The M21 Volga was born from an obvious desire of the Soviet regime to have their own home-grown luxury car, rather than face the ignominy of using a foreign import.

尽管在过去六个月中他们的状态得以迅速攀升,但他们仍可能会因成为史上第一支小组赛就出局的主办国而蒙羞。Though their form has improved dramatically in the last six months, they could face the ignominy of becoming the first host country to fail to qualify from the group stage.

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下个月贝克汉姆将在他的皇马合同到期之后加盟洛杉矶银河,他曾经被当作球队战绩不佳的替罪羊。Beckham, who will join Los Angeles Galaxy when his contract expires at Real next month, had initially retreated to the bench in despair as his team teetered on the brink of ignominy.

就惩办她示众的法律而论,那是一个外貌狰狞的巨人,其铁腕既可以消灭她,也可以支撑她,正是法律本身扶持着她挺过了那示众的可怕煎熬。The very law that condemned her- a giant of stern features, but with vigour to support, as well as to annihilate, in his iron arm- had held her up, through the terrible ordeal of her ignominy.

在执政的大多数时间里,自民党得以掌权是因为它帮助国家实现了繁荣,这个国家至今一直蒙受着第二次世界大战失败和美国占领的耻辱。During much of its tenure, it held power because it helped deliver rising prosperity to a country that had only recently endured the ignominy of second-world-war defeat and American occupation.