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那么,如果有任何的野蛮女友部分,即。Well, if there were any sassy parts, that is.

这些活力四射的鞋子会给小黑裙带来点睛之效。These sassy shoes will enliven little black dresses.

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收看下周节目——莎拉与巴基斯坦的野蛮冲撞!Tune in next week and watch her get sassy with Pakistan!

想想这些15块钱的时髦红色高跟鞋是一个多么划算的交易?Think 15 bucks for those sassy red heels is a great bargain?

索尔特和佩帕是两个来自皇后区的精明泼辣的女孩。Salt and Peppa are two streetwise and sassy girls from Queens.

戴上这款三个小帽子的胸针能够完全展现出您时尚的气息。Go ahead and wear our set of three hat pins and show-off your sassy style sense.

战略地位和时髦纵横交错的细节展示。Strategically placed bows and sassy criss-cross detailing feature in the cheeky Edith.

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当E3的参观者还没有想到去哪搞一盘很有品的新鲜鲻鱼,他们酒杯GT的大堆游戏引诱了过去。When E3-goers weren't wondering where to get a sassy new mullet they savored GT's lineup of games.

这款鞋的设计师们称,他们在设计时考虑了“可爱、活泼和时髦”等元素。生产商称这款鞋是“专为女宝宝设计的首款高跟鞋”。The makers describe the shoes, which are for infants aged up to six months, as "sassy heels" for babies.

他的代表作雏菊是我的最爱,同时还有假如爱有天意,我的野蛮女友等让我迷恋了很长时间。His classic daisy is my favorite, along with The Classic, My Sassy Girl, etc. I obsessed for a long time.

这位伶俐的俄罗斯球星的招贴画成了该赛季第一场红土地锦标赛的热点。The sassy Russian star’s poster was one of the hottest items at the season’s first clay court tournament.

它已经被改装为博物馆,里面满是旧式的灯标,来自萨西莎莉的赌场或者马鞋俱乐部这类的场所。It has evolved into a museum, full of old-time signs from places like Sassy Sally's casino and the Horseshoe Club.

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从时髦的“鞋盒”短笺到令人深思的“悄悄话”贺卡,霍尔马克公司的产品包罗了个人信息联系的全部形式。From the sassy "Shoebox" line to meditative " Between you and Me" cards, Hallmark covers the gamut in personal messages.

在康州有些中学,你要是嘴巴不干不净,一句粗话脱口闹不好就要你赔上一百美刀。If you don't keep it clean in some Connecticut high schools, you could wind up shelling out a Benjamin, for a sassy slip-up.

炫目金色淡色爱尔啤酒,会让你感觉有些开心,神经质,洗心革面,朋克式的感觉。选用大量麦芽和流行的西番莲水果酒花酿造而成,让你无法抗拒。A titillating, neurotic, peroxide, punk of a pale ale. A compulsive malty body with a sassy passion fruit hop proves too much to resist.

野蛮或许是全智贤小小的弱点,但她清纯中略略绽放迷茫的美丽,却是足以击中全体男人最大的弱点。Maybe, sassy is a little foible of Jun-Ji-Hyun, but beauty spreaded from her pureness and sassy, is the best army to hit all men's biggest foible.

李嘉欣自爆在男友面前原来是大女人,非常有主见,但也会跟男友讲道理,绝非“野蛮女友”。"Michelle Reis SELF-boyfriend in the face of a woman was big, very strong-minded, but also to reason with her boyfriend, is by no means" Sassy Girl.

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如果新娘决定穿短款和活力型的婚礼服,那么伴娘也应该选择类似的短伴娘礼服设计和诱人的设计。If the bride decides to wear a smart and sassy wedding dress then the bridesmaids have to select similar short bridesmaid dresses design and alluring designs.

不过,对这支队伍还有什么要说的话,就是他们还拥有年青气盛的小将,如多斯桑托斯,卡洛斯维拉和与曼联新签的埃尔南德斯。Still, there's something to like about this squad thanks to sassy young attackers like Giovani Dos Santos, Carlos Vela and new Manchester United signee Javier Hernandez.

队长丽娜我们喜爱的家从东洛杉矶我们喜爱的市区搬到了阳光灿烂我们喜爱的马利布小镇海滩。Christina Milian stars as sassy cheer captain Lina Cruz, whose world is turned upside-down when her family moves from the urban streets of East Los Angeles to the sunny beach town of Malibu.