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该律师经手承办这宗案件。The lawyer undertook the case.

他分12次付还了债主的钱。Next he undertook to pay off the debts.

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特纳一家去年六月份去旅行了。The Turners undertook a journey last June.

但以赛亚却接受了神所差派的工作。Yet Isaiah undertook the task God gave him.

他答应在星期三以前完成这项工作。He undertook to finish the job by Wednesday.

接下来他着手偿清戈德温的债务。Next he undertook to pay off Godwin's debts.

晓辉答应星期五前完成这项工作。Xiaohui undertook to finish the job by Friday.

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然后我们就进行稻种改良工作。Then we undertook to improve our strains of rice.

猿猴被请来裁决他们的纠纷。An Ape undertook to adjudge the matter between them.

承办人承诺担任这一工作。An undertaker undertook to undertake an undertaking.

罗斯福,渴望战争,他就此孤注一掷。Roosevelt, avid for war, undertook a desperate gamble.

格莱斯顿在他82岁时担任首相职务。Gladstone undertook the premiership when he was 82 years old.

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今年初,我们在索尔福德进行了同样的调查。Earlier this year, we undertook a similar exercise in Salford.

在执政早期,门罗展开了一趟慈善之旅。Early in his administration, Monroe undertook a goodwill tour.

然后他承担了帮大学生讨回公道的任务。Then he undertook the job to give fair back to the undergraduate.

因此,我的朋友高令斯就替我想了一个小小的妙计。My friend Collins, therefore, undertook to manage a little for me.

冥王星地下小组进行了大量书信提议活动。The Pluto Underground undertook a mammoth letter-writing campaign.

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梅克夫人就致力于为柴可夫斯基提供这种安全的港口。Madame von Meck undertook to supply this security for Tschaikovsky.

上海锅炉厂负责制造这种氨转化器。The Shanghai Boiler Plant undertook to make this ammonia converter.

最后,在新德里,甘地找到了如何最快的是印度教教徒和穆斯林团结在一起。Eventually, in Delhi, he undertook a final fast for Hindu-Muslim unity.