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第一次生产的年青种鱼。Young brooder for the first time.

最后的一张贴身图片。The final close-up shot of this brooder.

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利用新的扫描器来扫描这尾新种鱼。Using a new scanner to check this new brooder.

利用新的扫描器来扫描这尾新种鱼。Using a new scanner to check this new brooder.

挣扎的雄鱼终于释放出他的小鱼。The struggling brooder finally releases his brood.

这是这尾彭亨金金底过背种亲今年的第二批仔鱼。Second brood this year for this Pahang Gold brooder.

一尾大约四岁的新蓝宝石紫蓝底过背金种鱼。One of the new Sapphire Gold brooder , aged about 4 years.

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扫描种鱼以方便记录是一般做法。The usual practice to scan the brooder for record purposes.

第一次能给予十七尾仔鱼已经算不错了。Merely 17 fry from a first time brooder is not too bad a result.

她把草地犁成菜园,还搭了鸡舍牛房。She plowed the meadow into a garden and set up brooder house and barn.

老种鱼的侧面影象。今天阳光很猛烈,照片似乎是过度暴光。A side profile of the old brooder. Photo is over-exposed due to today's strong sun.

说起李南星,大多数人会联想到温文潇洒的帅哥,或者是忧郁深沉的浪子。Most of us associate actor Li Nanxing as either the dashing debonair or the dark, intense brooder.

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这位43岁已经拍过70多部电影的多产明星,在香港电影中以沉默著称。The prolific star, who at age 43 has been in more than 70 films, is Hong Kong cinema's standout brooder.

高级布奇美拉蓝底过背的背鳍下面盖满小珠鳞及散布金粉的尾部。Full pearls below the dorsal fin area cum golden brush on the tail makes this a High Grade Bukit Merah Blue brooder.

在天然光线下饲养的小鸡,经常是在一日龄时或在进入育雏室后几天内断喙。Chicks reared under natural light are frequently debeaked at 1 day of age or a few days after delivery to the brooder.