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敢当面质问,才是真爱。True love dares to confront.

我们必须乐观地面对未来。We must confront future with optimism.

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我该怎样面对遇到的每一个人呢?And how will I confront each whom I meet?

我们必须乐观地面对未来。We must confront the future with optimism.

但爱德华多似乎做好了直面现实的准备。But Eduardo seemed ready to confront reality.

正视恐惧,直到你感到窘迫为止。Confront the fear until you become distressed.

不去面对,何谈改变。You cannot change what you refuse to confront.

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我希望和控告我的人当庭对质。I wish to confront my accuser in a court of law.

我要独自去东方和布鲁图斯与卡西…To go east to confront brutus and cassius alone.


他们商定为了在一同,共同面对艰难。They agreed to together and confront the difficult.

虽然如此,他有时也尝试面对自己。Every so often, though, he tried to confront himself.

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当烦恼现前,不要对抗,要用惭愧心、忏悔心、感恩。When vexations occur, do not confront them head-on, but.

自然的确给我们带来了很多类似的思考。I think nature really does confront us with that in a way.

也许是开罪不起他们的赞助者。Maybe they can't afford to confront their sponsors openly.

两星期后,红队开会讨论其他的问题。Two weeks later the team meets to confront other problems.

正面地面对这样一个只是为了延期而耍的自欺欺人的花招吧。Confront this head-on as a self-deceptive ploy to postpone.

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而上图则展示了两个士兵持枪与拉登对峙。This one above shows two Lego commandos confront Bin Laden.

在“后卡扎菲时代”,利比亚将面临更多挑战。In the post-Gadhafi era, Libya will confront more challenges.

世界人民面临四类核威胁。The people of the world confront four types of nuclear threats.