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我弄来一只公鸭和三只母鸭。I brought in one drake and three ducks.

街舞艺术家德雷克一起上的歌曲。Hip-hop artist Drake joins in on the song.

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Drake拖着一条干树经过这条街。Drake is dragging a dry tree along the street.

我姓沈,住在杜累克旅馆621房间。My name is Shen.I'm at the Drake Hotel,Room 621.

傍晚水塘里的公鸭叫个不停。In the evening the drake cry continually from the pools.

“这是一个天气非常好的早上!”泥潭公鸭先生说。"It's a very fine morning! " said Mr. Drake Puddle-Duck.

她说,她航行通过了德雷克海峡时正值狂风暴雨。She said she sailed through Drake Passage during a gale face storm.

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其总统竞争者今天在爱荷华洲的德雷克大学对此进行辩论。The contenders faced off in a debate at Iowa's Drake University today.

吉尔伯特是圣安瑟莫弗朗西斯德雷克爵士中学的毕业生。Gilbert was a graduate of Sir Francis Drake High School in San Anselmo.

德拉克点燃了球员们的激情,球队开始势不可挡。Drake ignited his team and they embarked on a run of points accumulation.

埃德温·L·德雷克的合伙人1859年拒绝他钻孔找石油的建议。Associates of Edwin L. Drake refusing his suggestion to drill for oil in 1859.

副总裁临已宣布签署了美国越野赛车乔治的T细雨'德雷克。VP Pro have announced the signing of US off road racer George 'T-Mizzle' Drake.

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和野蛮人不同,炼狱狂暴龙兽在狂暴之后不会力竭。Unlike a Barbarian, however, a fiendish rage drake is not fatigued after raging.

德拉克博士说,对观察力敏锐的外星族类来说,数字电视信号就像噪音。To a race of observing aliens, digital TV signal would like noise, said Dr Drake.

我是坐在圣地亚哥公园里的一个池塘边上的时候看到了这只鸳鸯。I caught this mandarin drake as I was sitting next to a pond at the San Diego Zoo.

学徒埃克里娅、宗德和德雷克·洛甘设法逃脱了最初的屠杀。The Padawans Ekria, Zonder and Drake Lo'gaan managed to escape the initial slaughter.

“今天我遇见了约翰·贝·德雷克,”他说,“他打算今年秋天在这里开一家旅馆。"I met John B. Drake to-day, " he said. "He's going to open a hotel here in the fall.

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德雷克追逐著童年的兴趣,进入康奈尔大学和哈佛大学学习无线电航太学。Drake pursued his boyhood interest and studied radio astronomy at cornell and harvard.

科罗布有个任性而精力旺盛的少年学徒——德雷克·洛甘。Corobb had as his apprentice the headstrong and energetic young Padawan, Drake Lo'gaan.

普利茅斯高地是德雷克在打败西班牙无敌舰队之前玩木球游戏的旧址,因此广为人知。Hoe is renowned as the site where Drake played bowls before tackling the Spanish Armada.