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最近爆发的赤潮。The recent outbreak of Pfiesteria.

2003年非典期间荣获二等功。During the 2003 outbreak won the two.

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霍乱的爆发已被遏制住。The cholera outbreak has been contained.

战争的爆发使很多家庭无家可归。The outbreak of war uprooted many families.

因此,美国离疫情爆发也许仅一步之遥。So perhaps a U. S. outbreak was a near-miss.

这些事件可能预示着战争的爆发。Such events may forecast an outbreak of war.

到目前为止,霍乱爆发造成39人死亡。A cholera outbreak there has so far killed 39.

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他否认对这次暴动有何责任。He disclaimed any responsibility for the outbreak.

是性的爆发?还是饥渴的无赖?Is the nature of the outbreak? Still hungry rogue?

突然发作呼吸困难和脚痛时。When sudden outbreak scant of breath and foot pain.

我们在墨西哥的第二周听说了爆发。We first heard about the outbreak in our second week.

这些病症与虫媒病毒暴发相一致。These signs are consistent with an arbovirus outbreak.

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危机出现的时候,议会立刻召集开会。Congress was convoked at the outbreak of the emergency.

控制蚊虫是主要的疫情控制活动。Mosquito control is the main outbreak control activity.

肠道传染病暴发病种以细菌性痢疾多见。Bacillary dysentery was more often seen in the outbreak.

在2010和2011年,疫情应对情况并不尽如人意。In 2010 and 2011, outbreak response has been inadequate.

那一次的爆发没有传播到普通民众。That outbreak did not spread to the civilian population.

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在当前的疫情开始时,奥尔森很担心。At the onset of the current outbreak Olsen was concerned.

鲁迅先生说过,不在沉默中爆发就在沉默中消亡。Mr. Lu Xun said, not silence, dead silence on the outbreak.

寒以后,医院的病房进行烟熏消毒。The hospital ward is fumigate after the outbreak of typhus.