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肉毒碱,减缓肉疼痛。Carnitine appears to decrease muscle soreness.

性爱后,第二天膝盖酸软是肾虚吗?After sex, knee soreness the next day the kidney do?

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头痛,脑胀,眼角痛,肾亏,头晕,眼花,腰酸,背痛。As dizziness, blur vision, low back soreness and back pain.

这些药物常见的副作用包括肌肉疼痛和酸痛。Common side effects from these drugs include muscle pain and soreness.

许多专业跑步者会洗冰浴以减轻跑步后的酸痛。Many professional runners use ice baths to reduce soreness after runs.

扎针时您有麻木和发胀的感觉吗?When I insert the needles into points you may have a feeling of soreness.

确保避免高强度运动直到酸痛消退。Just make sure you avoid vigorous activity until the soreness has subsided.

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对于他来说,难道只是伴随着关节吱吱响的疼痛吗?Does he just have soreness accompanied perhaps by some creaking in the joint?

松动,红肿,疼痛,并在这一领域的所有迹象感染。Looseness, redness, and soreness in this area are all indications of infection.

万金油是很常见的镇痛软膏或治疗肌肉酸痛的软膏。Tiger Balm is a popular balm or ointment that people use for external soreness.

如果你运动完后很快吃饭,就能最大限度地缩小肌肉僵硬和疼痛。If you eat soon after your workout, you can minimize muscle stiffness and soreness.

对于注射用疫苗而言,最常见的副作用为注射部位疼痛。For the injected vaccine, the most common side effect is soreness at the injection site.

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将手放低,要求更多的屈挠以拉伸酸疼的肌肉。So keep your hands low and ask for more bend to stretch the soreness out of his muscles.

血栓形成可能没有症状,也可能会引起受累区域的痉挛、疼痛和肿胀。Thrombosis can be symptom-free or trigger cramps, soreness and swelling in affected areas.

常见症状主要是项背部僵硬感或肌肉酸痛,头痛,颈痛。Common symptoms are stiffness or soreness in the upper back, headache, and pain in the neck.

一直到我冲了个热水澡,才了解严重的程度,然后感觉到一股刺痛。I didn't realize the extent of that soreness until I took a hot shower and felt the stinging.

运动过度的另一个指标是肌肉酸痛持续数天不消失。Another indicator of overexertion is muscle soreness that doesn't go away after a couple days.

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第二天早上我醒来,我感到有点肌肉酸痛在这里和那里,尤其是臀部。The next morning I woke up, I felt a little muscle soreness here and there, especially the hips.

沙沙没有跟随球队参加周四的比赛,因为他扭伤的脚踝依然疼痛。Vujacic did not make the trip for Thursday's game because of soreness in his sprained left ankle.

在一段艰苦的体育锻炼或是一段长途跑之后,你也许感觉到全身的肌肉酸痛。After a hard workout or a long run, you're most likely going to feel some overall muscle soreness.