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他曾被指控做流浪者。He is charged with vagrancy.

有两个人被指控犯有流浪罪而遭逮捕。Two men were arrested and charged with vagrancy.

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流浪和乞讨在伦敦已变得很常见。Vagrancy and begging has become commonplace in London.

精神流浪比生活流浪更见其复杂性和悲壮性。Actually the spiritual vagrancy are more complex, solemn and stirring.

在海明威的小说中,流浪与回归都是文学上的一种寓意和象征。In Hemingway's novels, vagrancy and returning both are literary symbols.

如果别的漫游他也拍下来的话,说不定也会挺有意思。If other vagrancy were to be recorded, maybe it would be very interesting.

暴虐、死亡、漂泊等主题都是她致力表现的。Violence, death, vagrancy are also the three main subjects in her writing.

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同时,流浪的十分明显的理由却近在眼前。And meanwhile the quite obvious cause of vagrancy is staring one in the face.

若你身上未带至少一美元的钞票,你可能因流浪而被捕。You may be arrested for vagrancy if you do not have at least one dollar bill on your person.

直到你与这些理想伴侣候选人的其中一位拥有稳固的深情,才是幸福的开始,漂泊的结束。Happiness won't start and vagrancy won't end until you have a stable relationship with one candidate of these ideal mates.

石油蕴藏丰富的挪威,最近废除一项超过一百年的无业游民法,使得在街头讨钱成为合法。Oil-rich Norway has abolished a more than 100-yearold vagrancy law recently, making it legal to beg for money in the streets.

由于暴政和身份卑微,在大多数时间里,犹太人过着漂泊的生活,但是他们总是能够生存下来,并且重新开始挣钱。Living lives of vagrancy most of the time due to tyranny and abjection the jews were always able to stand up and make money again.

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高子鹏本人是电视从业人员,业余参加堕落知识分子的酗酒和漫游活动。Zipeng Gao is originally a TV program maker, who often joins in intemperance and vagrancy of depraved intellectuals in his spare time.

近二十年来,近半数美国城市对流浪乞讨行为进行了相当严厉的立法管制。About half of the city councils in America have enacted regulations to control strictly vagrancy and panhandling in the past twenty years.

其他的没有什么大的志向。她认为日子只有在走走停停的简单中心灵才能获得真正意义上的救赎。She has no lofty aspirations other than vagrancy. She thinks the simplicity of vagrant lift is the only only way that will truly save his soul.

现在的我需要信仰,我需要像犹太人那样活着,尽管有无尽的被杀戮,过着漂泊的生活,但他们仍顽强、执着地生存了下来。Now I need the belief that I need to be like that, despite the jews live endless slaughter, vagrancy life, but they still stubborn, rigid survived.

本文试图从流浪与孤独两方面来探讨其小说中的知识分子的精神内质。In this paper, the authors try to discuss the inside spiritual nature of the intellectuals from the aspects of vagrancy and solitude in Rou Shi's works.

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流浪儿童流浪的原因与动力机制是流浪儿童群体研究的一个主要领域。The study of the causes of the vagrancy of the wandering children and their motive mechanism is a popular focus in the study of the vagrant children as a group.

流浪归来的老者是新时期乡土小说中的一个人物形象群体,他们虽然都是小说中的次要人物,但具有独特的思想艺术价值。Old folk back from vagrancy form an image_group in the localistic novels of the new period. Though only secondary in the stories, they have distinctive values of their own.

智者们很快失掉了争辩的乐趣,开始了最初的也是最后的漂泊,开始寻找没有野蛮、愚昧、暴力和专制的家园。The wise men soon lose the debating pleasure, starting their initial as well as final vagrancy in search of a homeland without savageness, ignorance, violence nor autocracy.