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可是现在这条巨鳄又重新回来觅食了。But the mugger is back on the prowl.

澳大利亚的野狗在游荡。Australia's wild dog , the dingo, is on the prowl.

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汉特对逛跳蚤市场很感兴趣。Hunter have an interest in prowl around a flea market.

逛来逛去,希望碰上花姑娘。The soldiers went on the prowl hoping to meet some girls.

许多野兽在夜间巡行觅食。Many wild creature prowl at night seeing for event to eat.

许多野兽在夜间巡行觅食。Many wild creature prowl at night easysting to event to eat.

从俄罗斯到日本的各国记者也徘徊在各个主办城市。Gaggles of journalists from Russia to Japan prowl the cities.

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红蜘蛛与警车进金刚学院,并与天火相交。Starscream and Prowl enrol at the Academy. They meet Jetfire.

很多野兽在夜里出来寻找东西吃。Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat.

伺机属于替代性费用,会出现在某些浪客牌上。Prowl is an alternative cost that appears on some Rogue cards.

我们家的猫晚上悄悄出去觅食,白天就在这里睡大觉。Our cats go on the prowl at night, and then they sleep here all day.

他们晚上转回,叫号如狗,围城绕行。They return at evening, snarling like dogs, and prowl about the city.

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罪象见人便开枪的匪徒,象狂吼的狮子到处寻找可吞吃的人。It is a gangster on the prowl . It is a roaring lion seeking its prey.

与此同时,握有大把现金的中国公司也在海外寻找目标。Meanwhile, Chinese companies, flush with cash, are on the prowl abroad.

印度现在是冬天坎哈国家公园的老虎四处觅食。It's winter in India, and the tigers of Kanha National Park are on the prowl.

你造黑暗为夜、林中的百兽就都爬出来。You bring darkness, it becomes night, and all the beasts of the forest prowl.

当飞钥仙灵进场时,若曾支付其伺机费用,则抓一张牌。When Latchkey Faerie comes into play, if its prowl cost was paid, draw a card.

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不要公开发表您的电话号码,有一个为受害者伺机赌侠。Do not openly publish your phone number as there is a conman on a prowl for victim.

现在,清洁工不但不不工作了,甚至有些晚上会偷偷溜出来,把空箱子扔到人行道上。Rather than tidy up, some now prowl the city at night, emptying bins onto pavements.

库伦家族很快查明,所谓连环杀手的真面目其实是一群潜行在暗处的新生吸血鬼。The Cullens shortly figure out that it's actually an army of newborn vampires on the prowl.