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营养师乌尔苏拉。阿伦斯说不用。Dietitian Ursula Arens says no.

遵循医生或饮食学家推荐的饮食建议。Follow the diet recommended by your doctor or dietitian.

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向你的营养师其他的一些乳糖较少的产品。Talk to your dietitian about other lactose-reduced products.

向你的医生或营养师咨询个性化建议。For personalized advice, talk with your doctor or a dietitian.

你的营养学家会提供给你一份含各种小食的建议菜单。A registered dietitian can give you lots of other snack and menu ideas.

查找有关维生素E丰富的小吃在此免费视频由持牌营养师。Find out about vitamin E-rich snacks in this free video by a licensed dietitian.

打电话给你的保险公司,以了解它是否包括为了孩子对营养师进行访问。Call your insurer to find out whether it will cover dietitian visits for children.

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不管您选择使用人工甘味其中,同你的医生或营养师。Regardless of which artificial sweeteners you elect to use, consult with your doctor or dietitian first.

小测验时间,你对营养到底了解多少?我们的注册营养学家科里•格拉斯曼在这里。Pop quiz time, how much do you really know about nutrition? Our registered dietitian Keri Glassman is here.

小测验时间,你对营养到底了解多少?我们的注册营养学家科里•格拉斯曼在这里。Pop quiz time, how much do you really know about nutrition? Our registered dietitian Karry Glassman is here.

每一个明智的营养师都会告诉你,要减肥,你消耗的热量就必须多于比你摄入的热量。Every sensible dietitian will tell you that, to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in.

至关重要的是,你想请教营养师同情如果你想遵循素食面筋免费饮食。It is essential that you seek the advice of a sympathetic dietitian if you want to follow a vegan gluten-free diet.

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与你的医生或营养学家谈谈,确定在怀孕和哺乳期间,你获取了足够的营养物质。Speak with your physician or dietitian about making sure you are getting adequate nutrients while pregnant and nursing.

如果你在开始怀孕的时候已经超重的话,你要和你的营养师来努力将你的体重增加控制在15-25英镑之间。If you are obese at the start of your pregnancy, work with your dietitian to limit your weight gain to about 15-25 pounds.

如果你对于如何规划适合你的素餐还没有主意,你可以咨询你的医生或者专业的营养学家。If you aren't sure how to create a vegetarian diet that's right for you, talk with your doctor and a registered dietitian.

没有营养师的帮助和每周的个人训练计划,鹿是怎样它们良好的运动健将般身材的。How do deer maintain their trim figures and impressive athleticism without a dietitian and weekly personal training sessions?

产科病患很少能看到营养学家,除非她们有妊娠其糖尿病或妊娠毒血症等医学问题。Obstetrics patients rarely see a dietitian unless they're having medical problems like gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia.

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但是那些由宇航员自己设计的菜单必须由一位营养学家检查,以确保宇航员营养供给平衡。But those astronaut-designed menus must be checked by a dietitian to ensure the astronauts consume a balanced supply of nutrients.

注册营养师或医生可以帮助确定您是否需要更多或更少钙和帮助钠的改变您的饮食。A registered dietitian or doctor can help determine if you need more or less calcium and help with the sodium changes in your diet.

向营养学家咨询可以确保你的孩子既没有摄入过敏食物又获得了足够的营养。Meeting with a dietitian or nutritionist can help ensure your child is getting all the nutrients they need without allergenic foods.