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什麽样痛苦的折磨曾出现在这里?What nightmarish tortures took place here?

尖叫、哭泣、祈祷、呕吐,一个恶梦般混乱喧闹的场面。A nightmarish bedlam of shrieking weeping praying and vomiting.

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她描述了尸横街头、令人毛骨悚然的一幕。She described a nightmarish scene of dead bodies lying in the streets.

样子丑恶的尖牙鱼是迄今为止发现的生活在海洋最深处的鱼类之一。The nightmarish fangtooth is among the deepest-living fish ever discovered.

在经期前,我们比较容易激起情绪的梦,或是噩梦。‘We tend to have more emotional or nightmarish dreams just before a period.’

这个过程可真是又费时,又象恶梦似的,不过最后,他们到了最上面一层的主贮藏室。It was a long, nightmarish climb, but at last they reached the main storeroom.

同时,乌合之众船员恶梦般的遭遇很快和机甲。Meanwhile, the ragtag crew has nightmarish encounters with skitters and mechs.

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我们看到了莫逆之交的朋友和挚爱之人在恶梦般的虫族手中丧生。We have seen first hand our friends and loved ones consumed by the nightmarish Zerg.

这是濒临梦魇小说有关的秘密行动的美国政府。That's verging on nightmarish fiction about the clandestine operations of the US government.

这是为了适应舍瓦和巴拉克所做的调整,也是由于梦魇般的伤病不得已而为之的选择。It was more to accommodate Sheva and Ballack and also due to those nightmarish series of injuries.

世界卫生组织总干事陈冯富珍描述了气候变化给人类未来带来的恶梦。WHO Director-General Margaret Chan provides a nightmarish scenario of the future under climate change.

我们今天的所得税体系是阶级战争和腐败漩涡组成的罪恶合体。The income tax system we have today is a nightmarish combination of class warfare and corrupt loopholes.

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一只有着噩梦般形状的普通臭虫正准备开始一顿鲜血大餐,向人类主人表示致意。In nightmarish proportions, a common bedbug appears poised for a blood meal, compliments of a human host.

爱推挤的这个料想不到行为他由于他的梦和他的恶梦般的三天的在纽约冒险。This unexpected act of love jostles him out of his dream and his nightmarish three-day adventure in New York.

他在书中适时地提醒人们,一个乌托邦式愿景可以多么迅速地变形为噩梦般的现实。In the process he provides a timely reminder of how quickly a utopian vision can be transformed into a nightmarish reality.

空间里大部分物体是灰色的,像死去的细胞。Mostly within grey, barren cell-like structures, nightmarish scenarios, which are unspecific in their narrative, are enacted.

看起来像是梦魇般的巨兽在深红色海洋中抬起了头,实际上这个恐怖的东西是一个由气体和尘埃组成的柱子。Resembling a nightmarish beast rearing its head from a crimson sea, this monstrous object is actually a pillar of gas and dust.

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梵高之眼,是一段从未被公开的故事,讲述了凡高在圣雷米精神病院度过的12个月。The Eyes of Van Gogh is a story, never told before, of the twelve nightmarish months van Gogh spent in the insane asylum at St.

现在龙类正集结起来,准备一起降落到安其拉下面那噩梦般的巢穴中一探究竟,了结那些他们已经开启的噩梦。The dragons are rallying their champions to descend into the nightmarish hives beneath Ahn'Qiraj and to finish what they have begun.

梵高之眼,是一段从未被公开的故事,讲述了凡高在圣雷米精神病院度过的12个月。The Eyes of Van Gogh is a story, never told before, of the twelve nightmarish months van Gogh spent in the insane asylum at St. Remy.