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子弹能穿墙而过。A bullet can penetrate a wall.

撒但无法刺透上帝的军装。No evil can penetrate the armor of God.

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随着时间的推移,有毒物质的气态分子可能会渗透入塑料容器中。Vapors may penetrate the plastic over time.

不过雨水无法渗透过他们的茅草房。But rainwater cannot penetrate their cottages.

我听他所言,但不明白说些什么。I heard what he said, but it didn't penetrate.

西方观念逐渐传入东方。Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East.

我们无法渗透到物质的本质中。We cannot penetrate into the nature of substances.

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你能理解作者的象征主义吗?Were you able to penetrate the author's symbolism?

哦?那么熊霸壮士倒是说说看?So the bear Ba brave man pours is said to penetrate?

计算机存取渗透所有的社会群体。Computer access will penetrate all groups in society.

她戴了一顶假发,但是我们很快就识穿了她的伪装。She has a wig on, but we soon penetrate her disguise.

没有任何的皇冠,其实渗透病房?Did any of the Dementors actually penetrate the wards?

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减少了弩箭穿透盾牌的概率。Reduced chance of crossbow bolts to penetrate shields.

他感到有些雪片溜进大衣,透过衬衫。He felt some of the snow slide in, penetrate his shirt.

他看了好一会儿才看明白了这封密码电报。It took him quite a while to penetrate the coded message.

之上,雨声淅沥,清寒透幕。On-top rain sound sign drip, clear cold penetrate curtain.

幼虫和蜱蛹可能会渗透粗织袜子。Larval and nymphal ticks may penetrate a coarse weave sock.

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普什图瓦里使这一地区极难渗透。Pashtunwali makes it an extremely hard network to penetrate.

看穿并描述这种痛楚就不该是代价很高的吧?Should it not be costly to penetrate and portray this pain?2

我们必须要用强光来穿透这层薄雾。We shall need a strong light to penetrate through this mist.