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是金融从业者的工资是否过高了哪?Are financial workers overpaid?

对他的服务,我多付了他一些酬金。I overpaid him for his service.

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他是个迷幻药瘾的人。By some freak I was overpaid this month.

那样的话,我买地毯就绝对当了冤大头。In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.

因多付了账单款,我的卡上出现了盈余。Having overpaid the bills, I had a balance of credit in my card.

他接着说这些球员的身手还不够格领高薪,而在介绍球员出场时更狂喝倒采。He then said that the players were overpaid and started booing when they were introduced.

除非这道主菜的名字叫20美元钞票的鸡,否则你只是被宰了一把。Unless that entrée is called "Chicken à la 20-Dollar Bill, " you've just grossly overpaid.

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因为伊赛亚·托马斯给的烂肥约,过去的两支球队都急于想甩掉他所背负的大合同。Grossly overpaid by Isiah Thomas, Crawford's last two teams have been desperate to unload his contract.

有的老师的工资发少了,而有的又发多了,还有的连名字都被从系统中删除了。Some teachers were underpaid, some overpaid and some had their names completely erased from the system.

在每五份纳税申报表中,往往有四份可以因前一年缴税超额而得到某些退款。For more than four in five tax returns, that reconciliation actually results in a refund of overpaid taxes.

事实是,美国长期的国家财政赤字问题单靠在联邦工人的超额工资支付问题上动手脚根本无助于是。The truth is that America’s long-run deficit problem has nothing at all to do with overpaid federal workers.

有多得可怕的报酬过高工作清闲的健康促进官员迷心于性。There are an awful lot of overpaid and under-occupied health promotion officers around who are obsessed with sex.

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纳税义务人结算申报后如有溢扣或溢缴税款者,国税局将依规定程序办理退税。If the tax withholding amount exceeds the tax payable, the overpaid amount will be refunded according to general procedures.

然而,曾先生新任命的这些官员,既像工资过高的实习生而被口诛笔伐,又受到政治的火热考验。Meanwhile, Mr Tsang's appointees, lambasted in letters columns as grossly overpaid trainees, have had a political baptism of fire.

大学教授们咋罢工,现实如此真实。领导人们就只会用“时间会治疗一切”这钟话来应付着,你们已经拿得太多了!Really, University Profs on strike. "Time heals these things" Nice. Way to show leadership. You're already overpaid for what you do.

传言说了很多关于沙克的罚球以及他被交易是因为对球队的不满与愤怒。但是人们认为太阳得到沙克是愚蠢的。It says a lot about Shaq's free fall that he was traded for a gifted but overpaid malcontent, and people think the team that got Shaq is stupid.

在去年下半年油价挫跌期间,一些企业高管担心,购买资产以后,可能很快就会发现买贵了.As oil prices fell through the second half of last year, some executives feared they might soon appear to have overpaid for any asset they bought.

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且两个党派都会彻底检查耗费高昂的地方发展部门,这项措施似乎更关乎于薪水肥厚的老板而非公司。And both opposition parties would overhaul the costly Regional Development Agencies, which seem to do more for their overpaid bosses than for firms.

结果就是,太多的人缺乏自我反思和自我批判的能力。这就意味着,虽然得到的已然够多了,他们仍然觉得自己还应获取更多。As a result, too many lack self-reflection or self-criticism skills, meaning even those who are grossly overpaid give themselves outrageous bonuses.

位居该榜前十位的明星还包括卡梅隆•迪亚兹、吉姆•凯利、尼古拉斯•凯奇、德鲁•巴里摩尔、威尔•费勒尔和凯特•布兰切特。Making up the top 10 of overpaid Hollywood celebrities were Cameron Diaz, Jim Carrey, Nicolas Cage, Drew Barrymore, Will Ferrell and Cate Blanchett.