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牛舌肉。Beef tongue.

舌吻。The tongue kiss.

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说一种新语言。Speak a new tongue.

他说起话来油腔滑调的。He has a glib tongue.

我觉得舌头有点麻麻的。My tongue feels numb.

龇牙或伸舌。With teeth or tongue.

插角舌设计。Gusseted tongue design.

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舌苔厚腻。One's tongue is coated.

猫的舌面是毛糙的。A cat's tongue is rough.

他伸出了舌头。He protruded his tongue.

胡椒蜇舌头。Peppers sting the tongue.

辣椒辣得我舌头发麻。The pepper bit my tongue.

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说话别那么干。Don't have a rough tongue.

她言语尖刻,有一张刀子般的嘴。She had an acerbic tongue.

杰克张口结舌,手足无措。Jack's tongue stands still.

她有一张巧嘴。She has a plausible tongue.

我知道他一说话就喋喋不休。I know that his tongue wags.

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狗的舌头伸了出来。The dog's tongue lolled out.

那狗的舌头垂在外面。The dog's tongue lolled out.

辣椒辣得他舌头发烧。The pepper burnt his tongue.