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这是一篇不加批评的文章。This is an uncritical article.

弗兰克·科莫德爵士饱含深情,却不乏批评。Sir Frank is affectionate, but not uncritical.

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伤脑筋的是,众多新达尔文主义著作都缺乏批判性。Much of the vast neo-Darwinian literature is distressingly uncritical.

这一断言让癌症研究者颇为惊愕,并引发了一连串不置可否的报道。The assertions have dismayed cancer researchers, and have led to a rash of uncritical coverage.

他们用合理化的解释来代替诗人的想象和不加分析的传说。They offered a reasoned approach in place of the fanciful and uncritical accounts of the poets.

投资人不加判断地对各种信用评级照单全收,买入大量有毒资产随后造成了巨大的损失。Uncritical acceptance of credit ratings by purchasers of these toxic assets has led to huge losses.

但这个处境提醒我们,我们微弱的评论和标准是属于无批判力的职业。The situation can remind us that we are part of an uncritical profession with little review or standards.

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其他国家的人或者会忧虑这样一群技术熟练,雄心勃勃又不加思考的中国人会给世界带来什么。People overseas might worry what ahighly skilled, ambitious and uncritical Chinese population means forthe world.

凯恩斯主义学者,比如克鲁格曼先生,对政府的财政刺激计划表示双手支持,而纯粹主义经济学者则停留在了口头反对上。Keynesians, such as Mr Krugman, have become uncritical supporters of fiscal stimulus. Purists are vocal opponents.

海外人士可能更担心的是高技能、雄心勃勃而又没有分辨力的中国人对世界意味着什么。People overseas might worry what a highly skilled, ambitious and uncritical Chinese population means for the world.

谁对在海地、阿尔巴尼亚、以及黎巴嫩的共产社区内的专政有热心且不加批评的对待?Who was an enthusiastic and uncritical guest of the dictatorships of Haiti and Albania, and the phalangists in Lebanon ?

李明博誓言要改变韩国人看到的卢武铉总统对北韩采取的过于宽容和不加鉴别的经济援助政策。Lee has vowed to revamp what South Koreans view as Mr. Roh's overly generous and uncritical policy of economic aid to Pyongyang.

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李明博誓言要改变韩国人看到的卢武铉总统对北韩采取的过于宽容和不加鉴别的经济援助政策。Mr. Lee has vowed to revamp what South Koreans view as Mr. Roh's overly generous and uncritical policy of economic aid to Pyongyang.

华盛顿以牺牲巴勒斯坦为代价,对以色列毫无保留的支持让世界上多数国家感受到其异乎寻常的虚伪。Washington's uncritical support of Israel at the expense of Palestinians is perceived by much of the world as egregiously hypocritical.

对于缺乏鉴别的媒体,微软看上去慷慨、谦卑,而我们则狂妄、无理。And yet to the uncritical eye of the media, Microsoft is comes across looking humble and generous while we look petulant and ungrateful.

幸亏观众们怀着希望和善意,才没有骚动不安,才没有对令人难堪的演出失败表示遗憾。It took all the hope and uncritical good-nature of the audience to keep from manifesting pity by that unrest which is the agony of failure.

这会是一场危机,无止境的容忍会导致理智的被动,及无批判能力地,接受所有的观点。There's a danger, I think, that endless tolerance leads to intellectual passivity and the kind of uncritical acceptance of all points of view.

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而在中国的学校里,xx主义和儒家思想混合而成的理念迫使学生们服从等级、刻苦学习和不做批判性思考。At Chinese school a powerful blend of Communist and Confucian ideologies demands obedience to hierarchy, bone-hard study and uncritical thinking.

李明博承诺修正被大多数韩国保守派视为过于慷慨并凡事包容的援助北韩的方针。Mr. Lee has promised to revise what most conservatives here view as an overly generous and uncritical policy of aid and cooperation with Pyongyang.

尽管关于数据断档和不当的数据使用的问题确实存在,这些研究人员都没有否定一些基本的发现,包括全球变暖的事实。Although concerns about data gaps and uncritical data use are real, they don't compromise basic findings, including the fact that the world is warming, he says.