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他是个“气管炎”。He suffers from tracheitis.

我的慢性气管炎也好了。My chronic tracheitis is healed.

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气管炎症状?怎么保养?。Tracheitis symptom ? How to maintain?

谁有治疗气管炎的好的偏方?。Who has the good folk prescription that treats tracheitis?

同时在与乌克兰的比赛中,气管炎也影响了他的场上发挥。The tracheitis also affected his physical condition on Saturday against Ukraine.

所含的寸露醇对血管病,气管炎起作用。Alcohol of contains very little beverage is ill to blood-vessel tracheitis is effective.

可用于咳嗽痰多、慢性气管炎、消化不良等症状的调理。The product also can alleviate coughing, phlegmy throat, chronic tracheitis and dyspepsia.

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目的观察盐酸氨溴索联合654-2佐治毛细气管炎的临床疗效。OBJECTIVE To observe the clinical effects of ambroxol hydrochloride combined with 654-2 in treatment with capillary tracheitis.

结果表明,贝氏隐孢子虫主要引起呼吸困难症状,气管炎和法氏囊炎病变。It was concluded that Cryptosporidium baileyi caused mainly respiratory distress, tracheitis and bursa of Fabricius inflammation.

鸡棚四周保温的帷布一天到晚大开,鸡反而更精神更健康,听不见一丝“咳咳”呼吸道气管炎声。Chicken shed surrounded by insulation curtain is always open, chicken instead more spirit more healthy, to hear a" cough" respiratory tracheitis.

吸烟还可引起慢性阻塞性肺病、哮喘、细支气管炎等多种间质性肺病。Smoking may also cause the chronic blocking pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma, fine count tracheitis and so on many kinds of mesenchymal pulmonary tuberculoses.

用于片剂、针剂等。治疗癌症、白细胞减少症、支气管哮喘和喘息型慢性气管炎、细菌性痢疾及肠炎等。It is used tablet and injection etc and curing cancer leucopenia disease chronic tracheitis of bronchus asthma and panting mould bacillary dysentery and enteritis etc.

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用于片剂、针剂等。治疗癌症、白细胞减少症、支气管哮喘和喘息型慢性气管炎、细菌性痢疾及肠炎等。It is used tablet and injection etc, and curing cancer, leucopenia disease, chronic tracheitis of bronchus asthma and panting mould, bacillary dysentery and enteritis etc.

润肠通便,改善睡眠,恢复血管弹性和宽度,清除自由基,特别对气管炎,肺炎很有效。Moisten and loosen the bowel, improve sleep, restore the elasticity and width of blood vessels, eliminate free radicals, is especially effective to tracheitis and pneumonia.

患有冠状动脉性心脏病或慢性支气管炎的病人在厕所内吸烟,可导致心绞痛、心肌梗死或气管炎的急性发作。Have coronary artery sex heart disease or chronic bronchitic patient smokes inside the toilet, can bring about angina pectoris, cardiac muscle straightens dead or the acute of tracheitis breaks out.