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我该知道这点。I should know.

我该唱首歌吗?Should I sing?

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也许我该这样。Maybe I should.

我们应该耐心等待。We should wait.

你应该问一问。You should ask.

而A21刚好可以用。A21 should help.

我真会的!I really should.

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按常例我该拒绝。I should refuse.

你应该休息。You should rest.

他应该付给我钱的。He should pay me.

他们应当被绞死。They should hang.

此操作应该失败。This should fail.

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他该走了吧。He should of gone.

我应该高兴吗?Should I be happy?

同性恋能结婚吗?Should gays marry?

谁应该修复它?Who should fix it?

谁该被统治?Who should govern?

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为什么我应该测试?Why should I test?

行为举止如何?How should you act?

生活应当充满乐趣。Life should be fun.