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在中信银行支付签证费。Pay visa fee at CITIC bank.

中信证券找到世达律师事务所做法律顾问。Citic Securities has turned to Skadden, Arps for legal advice.

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位居第二的中信证券公司公布盈利为73亿元人民币。Second-placed Citic Securities Co. posted 7.3 billion yuan in profit.

中信银行原称中信实业银行,创建于1987年。CITIC Bank , formerly known as CITIC Industrial Bank, was founded in 1987.

京城俱乐部由中国中信集团和美国国际会所管理集团共同创建。The Club was founded as a joint venture between CITIC Group and ClubCorp Inc.

但是,为了获得中信的股份,在一段更长的时期内贝尔斯登要付出同样多的资金。But it would spend the same amount over a longer period for a complementary stake in Citic.

张雪冬先生目前担任中信信托有限责任公司信息技术部总经理职务。Mr. Zhang Xuedong is the general manager of Information Technology at CITIC Trust Co. , Ltd.

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南京西路上的梅龙镇,中信泰富和恒隆广场构成了著名的时尚购物区。CITIC Square and Plaza 66 on the West Nanjing Road are well known fashion and shopping areas.

蓝筹股,中信泰富的百分之15.52,或家中,第一个蓝筹股大幅回升。Blue chips , the sharp rebound in CITIC Pacific 15.52 percent, or home first in the blue chips.

王玉祥,曾经到中信证券--位于北京一个前公主的庭院,进行股票买卖。Citic Securities runs one that is housed in the former home of an imperial princess in Beijing.

中信作为一家中小银行,应该把客户对象定位在中低层客户。As a small and medium-sized CITIC Bank, should be targeted clientele in the low-level customers.

中信泰富正准备在2010年底启动年产2,700万吨的Sino矿产项目.Citic Pacific is targeting a late 2010 start to its 27 million-tonnes-per-year Sino mine project.

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昨日的这些言论首次正式证实了中信银行希望购入贝尔斯登的股权。Yesterday’s comments were the first official confirmation that Citic wants to buy a stake in Bear.

常振明表示,重组后,中信泰富的经营重点将为钢铁、铁矿石和房地产业务。Following the reorganisation, Mr Chang said Citic Pacific would focus on steel, iron ore and real estate.

2007年4月,中信集团融资450亿元在上交所和港交所同时上市。In April 2007, CITIC Bank made its debut in both Shanghai and Hong Kong bourses, raising 45 billion yuan.

1980年代中期,他进入中国国际信托投资公司,现称中信集团工作。In the mid-1980s, he went to work at the China International Trust &Investment Co., now known as Citic Group.

就本单位研制的金属铬标准样品的工作进行了详细地总结。This paper summarized research and manufacture of chromium standard sample about CITIC Jinzhou Ferroalloy Co.

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目前,中信广场已成为广州市民和游客心目中鸟瞰大都市广州风光的最佳首选地点。At present, the CITIC Plaza has become an ideal spot for a bird's eye view of downtown Guangzhou for tourists.

在广场的南面是广州第一高楼中信广场是广州标志性建筑之一。To the south of the Guangzhou East Railway Station Square is the CITIC Plaza, a landmark building of Guangzhou.

中信证券在接手华夏证券之后,其控制的营业部将达到近200家。CITIC Securities to take over at Huaxia Securities, its control of the business department will reach nearly 200.